foot care


Are you experiencing pain while going through your daily routine? Is the pain coming from your toes? Well, you might be suffering from a neuroma. A neuroma could also be referred to as a pinched nerve, or even a nerve tumor. They are benign growths of nerve tissue, that most commonly act up while you’re walking. You could experience a burning sensation, tingling, or even numbness between your toes while doing daily activities. Most people suffering from a neuroma find relief when they take a break, remove their shoes, or even rub the area that's giving them pain. While that seems like a simple fix, it can get repetitive to continue disrupting your routine like this. So why not visit a podiatrist in Bellmore to get rid of this problem completely? At Cherrywood Foot Care, Dr. Joseph Burke and his team of doctors in Merrick, Bellmore, East Meadow, and Wantagh are equipped to treat your neuroma with the most up-to-date and cutting-edge technology available.


What actually is hand, foot, and mouth disease (HMFD)? HMFD is a viral illness that affects young children, usually younger than the age of 5. However, older children and some adults can also contract HFMD. You may realize you have contracted HFMD if you’re suffering from sores in the mouth, a rash on the hands and feet, a fever, sore throat, and/or reduced appetite. While this illness can spread easily, it usually can clear up on its own within 7 to 10 days. Luckily, Cherrywood Foot Care and our podiatrist in Nassau County, working out of Wantagh, Merrick, East Meadow, and Bellmore, offers treatment for HFMD.

Treating Your Ankle Sprain

An ankle sprain occurs when the ligaments in your ankle become damaged. Usually, an ankle sprain will happen when the foot is twisted during physical activity. The twisting motion can cause too much tension on the ligaments which causes the foot to lose movement. A loss of motion in the ankle limits your ability to continue participating in your routine daily activities. Our podiatrist in Nassau County at Cherrywood Foot Care can treat your injuries and will get your ankle back to full health! 

Foot Health Facts For Women

Your feet take a lot of damage on a daily basis, and not taking care of them increases your risk for a wide variety of different foot injuries. Here at Cherrywood Foot Care, our podiatrist near East MeadowMerrick, and Bellmore can provide a variety of different treatments that will help protect your feet.

How to End Your Heel Pain

The heel is an extremely important body part, as it plays a crucial role in normal foot movements. Unfortunately, due to its location, heel injuries can be especially challenging. Simple activities such as walking and even standing, put constant weight on the heel. These activities will cause more pain and could eventually lead to more severe injuries. At the same time, there is a wide range of different injuries and conditions that can cause heel painAt Cherrywood Foot Care, we work at different locations in Wantagh, East Meadow, Bellmore, and Merrick! Our foot doctor on Long Island has provided the following information on three common injuries and conditions that can cause heel pain:

Symptoms of Arthritic Feet

  As we age, arthritis is a condition that may begin to affect our bodies. It can occur in almost any place throughout our bodies and can cause discomfort making it difficult to perform daily tasks. One area in which arthritis can have a big impact on your life is on your feet. It can make even the simplest of tasks like getting up and walking, much more challenging. Thankfully at Cherrywood Foot Care, our foot doctor on Long Island (East Meadow, Bellmore, Merrick) can help treat your symptoms and make them more manageable. Arthritis is a degenerative joint disease that will cause the joints in your body to deteriorate or wear down over time. This causes pain and discomfort because it can lead to bones rubbing against each other due to the lack of cushioning and cartilage in the joints. This can be especially uncomfortable in the feet because of the constant pressure and use on an everyday basis.

Causes of Heel Pain

Heel раin iѕ a соmmоn condition that is caused due tо hectic activities. At times thе inсерtiоn оf hееl pain can be a sudden diѕсоmfоrt, but mаnу timеѕ it might be a рrоgrеѕѕivе aching that gets worse over time. Thеrе are numеrоuѕ fасtоrѕ whiсh give rise to this раin. It is important tо mаkе an accurate diаgnоѕiѕ оf thе саuѕе оf the symptoms ѕо thаt аррrорriаtе treatment саn bе directed. At Cherrywood Foot Care, we offer foot care in Nassau County at locations in Merrick and Wantagh and can help treat your heel pain and discomfort. Some оf thе major causes оf hееl раin inсludе:

Get relief from bunion pain before flip flop season

A bunion is a fооt dеfоrmitу thаt саuѕеѕ thе joint at thе bаѕе оf the big tое to bulgе outwards. This deformity can be painful and make even walking around uncomfortable. With summer and flip-flop season approaching, getting relief from your bunion pain is important if you want to enjoy the warm weather. At Cherrywood Foot Care, our podiatrist in Bellmore, Merrick, and East Meadow has a variety treatment options to get you ready for flip-flop season.

Marathon Foot Care Tips

If you are a runner and going to be running in a marathon, you know the importance of keeping your feet healthy before and after the marathon. There are a number of strategies that you can take in order to keep your feet healthy and allow you to run the best marathon that you can. Our podiatrist in Bellmore, Merrick, East Meadow, and Wantagh offers a number of services to keep your feet healthy before you compete in the marathon as well as offering different treatment options for post-race recovery.
Cherrywood Foot Care