Foot Care Blog

  Summer is here and that means free time and vacations! Nothing can ruin a vacation more than obtaining an infection that you have to bring home with you.  One of the most painful, overlooked infections are ones that you have to step on everyday, such as plantars warts on the...

Beach season is just around the corner and taking care of your feet is just as important as taking care of the rest of your body. Following just a few steps can help you with your foot care and protect your feet, avoid sunburn, and wounds. Even though your feet...

Compression socks have been a rising trend for marathon runners and hobbyists alike for many years now, and if you ever wondered why, or if they can help you run faster or recover from injury or nagging pain quicker, the answer may just surprise you. In order to understand how...

Custom insoles for your shoes are a great reliever of pain and aches in your feet. If you are on your feet all day or perform activities on your feet (sports, running), these aches can affect your whole body, and spread to your neck, back or hips. Insoles in your...

Your feet and ankles face a lot of wear and tear as they are the parts of the body holding the most weight and pressure. They are the foundation to the skeletal system in the body and they support our bodily functions while providing balance and mobility. It is important...

Cherrywood Foot Care