Tips for Avoiding Overtly Sweaty Feet this Summer

Tips for Avoiding Overtly Sweaty Feet this Summer


Summer is among us which means hotter weather, lighter clothing, and definitely more sweating. In summer we sweat from our heads all the way down to our toes.  There are some ways to prevent sweating such as hydrating and staying in shade but sometimes you just cannot avoid your feet from sweating.  So here are some tips on how to avoid foot sweat and increase foot comfort this summer.

If you’re wearing shoes that require socks, replace your wool and cotton socks with nylon socks. Wool and cotton socks do not hold moisture as well as nylon socks.  Not holding moisture will make the socks feel wet and your feet feel clammy.

While you’re searching for nylon socks, you might want to try antibacterial, fresh-feet socks.  These socks have chemicals to decrease the odor-producing bacteria that are attached to sweat.You can also try sport socks. Sport socks have ventilation panels that transport the moisture away from the foot. If you like this idea, increase the efficiency by wearing an additional pair of socks over the first pair to increase the absorbency.

Make sure you wash your socks after every use.  Wash them on the hottest cycle and then let your socks dry naturally.  That will help take out all of the moisture and be fresh for the next use.If these sock tricks aren’t cutting it for your feet, you can adjust your shoes by checking the insole linings.  You should buy leather linings for your shoes.  Leather linings have extra cushioning and whisks away the moisture from your feet. When picking out leather linings, make sure the linings are washable because you should be washing them often.

Cleaning shoes and reducing the sweat can be difficult. One trick is to use the nozzle of a vacuum cleaner to clean the inside of your shoes, doing this will remove any old dry sweat left inside of them.

Also avoid wearing the same pair of shoes two days in a row.  Letting your shoes sit will help dry out the shoes instead of being previously sweaty and worn for a second time. If the shoes tricks also aren’t working, it must be your feet.  But no need to worry, that can be fixed as well.

You can start by checking the soles of your feet for hard dead skin. Dead skin absorbs moisture. You can remove dead skin by scrubbing your feet with antibacterial soap. Be sure to wipe your feet with surgical spirit at the end of each day. This will stop the irritation of skin.

Avoid sweating by bathing your feet in warm water with a few drops of tea-tree oil.  Tea-tree oil contains antibacterial properties.  Make sure to dry your feet thoroughly. You can alternatively soak your feet daily in black tea. Black tea has tannic acid. You do this by boiling two tea bags in half a liter of water for 15 minutes.  You should add 2 more liters of cool water, then soak your feet for 20-30 minutes.  Be sure to thoroughly dry your feet.

You should also be checking your feet often for fungal infections. Fungi increase when feet are warm and moist. The skin between the toes will look red, soggy and irritated. You should buy an antifungal foot spray to cure the fungi. After using the spray for about 10 days, the fungi should be gone.

Instead of walking around in your self made puddles this summer, use these tips to have dry and clean feet.


Cherrywood Foot Care