Cherrywood Foot Care is proud to announce the addition of Dr. Michael Skonieczny to its expert team of podiatric specialists. Dr. Skonieczny graduated from the State University of New York at Albany with a Bachelor of Science degree in biology. He then attended the Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine, where...
It can be a moment of complete shock and anxiety. Your foot has been hurting you and now when you look at it, a hard bump has appeared that doesn’t seem to be going away. First off, don’t panic. It may be a cyst. Cysts that grow on the top of the foot...
Podiatrist in Merrick More likely than not, you’ve been there before: Your toe has swelled up and is throbbing. You spent the whole night tossing and turning to find the right position for your feet, but even your blanket seemed to make it hurt. Now that you’re up and getting out...
As the days grow shorter, the wind turns a hint colder and we exchange our bathing suits for light jackets and sweaters, the summer fades into memory and autumn greets us with a chill. Yes, unfortunately, beach season has winded down. Steaming pumpkin lattes will soon replace those tasty seaside martinis....
Only those suffering from gout can fully comprehend the pain and discomfort associated with this arthritic condition. Also known as “gouty arthritis,” “the disease of kings,” “rich man’s disease,” and, “podagra” when it involves the big toe, gout is on the rise worldwide, characterized by recurrent attacks of painful inflammatory arthritis. Gout...
Bunions, those unwelcome, painful bumps that form on the joint at the base of your big toe, are probably one of the most common foot problems that no one wants to talk about. Why? Because even perfectly manicured toes won’t make them magically disappear. Knowing what causes these unsightly deformities...
Welcome to, our new and improved website and online resource center. Here you’ll find a comprehensive list of all the latest cutting-edge podiatric services and treatments we offer at Cherrywood Foot Care, from laser treatment and digital X-rays to shockwave therapy and diagnostic ultrasound, and so much more. Learn about the...