What To Do About Ingrown Toenails

podiatrist near East Meadow

What To Do About Ingrown Toenails

What To Do About Ingrown Toenails

Most often seen in the big toe, ingrown toenails can be very uncomfortable and can often reappear if not treated properly. If you suffer from ingrown toenails, our podiatrist near East Meadow at Cherrywood Foot Care can help.  Including East Meadow, we proudly serve those in Bellmore, Merrick, Wantagh, and other locations in Nassau County.

What is an ingrown toenail?


Ingrown toenails or onychocryptosis is a condition in which the corner or side of a toenail grows into the skin. Once the edge of the nail breaks through the skin, it causes inflammation. Initially causing discomfort, it may progress into an infection and/or become a recurring problem. Typically the symptoms of an ingrown toenail are redness, pain, and swelling. If untreated, it may cause an infection, or the skin may start to grow over the ingrown toenail.


Causes of ingrown toenails


Ingrown toenails can be hereditary or caused by other problems such as:


  • Improper nail cutting.
  • Ill-fitting shoes.
  • Having unusually curved toenails.
  • Injuring your toe or toenail.


Left untreated or undetected, an ingrown toenail can infect the underlying bone and lead to a bone infection. If you have an ingrown toenail, don’t wait for it to get worse. Visit our podiatrist near East Meadow at Cherrywood Foot Care before it becomes a bigger problem.


Ingrown toenail prevention


There are some ways to prevent ingrown toenails from occurring. Here are some ways to prevent an ingrown toenail in the future:


  • Cut your toenails straight. Don’t curve your nails to match the shape of the front of your toe.
  • Cut toenails often enough to keep them at a moderate length.
  • Wearing shoes and socks that are not too tight.
  • If your job puts you at risk of a toe injury, wear protective footwear, such as steel-toed shoes.
  • Keep your feet clean and dry as much as possible.



How we can help

If your ingrown toenail is causing severe discomfort or there is redness in the toenail area, it is important to make an appointment with our podiatrist near East Meadow for treatment. If you have a condition that causes poor circulation to your feet, such as diabetes and you experience any foot sore or infection, it is essential that you seek medical attention. Our experienced team at Cherrywood Foot Care can help you and give you the treatment you need. You don’t have to let ingrown toenail pain negatively affect your quality of life forever! Whether you’re from Merrick, Wantagh, or Bellmore, we can help you today!  Contact us to make an appointment with our podiatrist near East Meadow at Cherrywood Foot Care today!

Cherrywood Foot Care