What Is “COVID Toe?”

What Is “COVID Toe?”

The COVID-19 pandemic has quickly uprooted all aspects of normalcy in our lives. With this being such a new virus, there are still aspects that medical professionals are learning and evaluating. One of these aspects is known as “COVID toe.” If you’re unfamiliar with this term, our team at Cherrywood Foot Care would like to shed some light on the condition. We’ll let you know what COVID Toe is and when treatment is needed.

The Cause Of “COVID Toe”

By now, we are all aware of what the common symptoms of COVID-19 entail. If you are currently suffering from symptoms of a respiratory illness, it’s essential to get tested and quarantine right away (if needed). This helps to keep everyone protected from the spread of this disease. However, there are many other symptoms and after-effects that this virus can bring. “COVID toes” are just one of them. This term describes redness, rashes, and inflammation on the toes following making a recovery from COVID-19. While the exact cause is still unknown, there are various prevailing theories. One of the most common ideas is that the rash and swelling that takes place in the toes result from the immune system fighting off the virus.

How Long Does “COVID Toe” Last?

If you’re dealing with “COVID toe” even after the symptoms of COVID-19 have dissipated, you may be wondering when the rash and redness will subside. Since this is such a relatively new condition, it isn’t easy to provide an exact answer for this problem. However, there is enough current research to at least answer this question through a broad strokes lense. In suspected COVID-19 patients, the rash lasts a median of 15 days. In lab-confirmed positive cases, the median was ten days. However, some cases have stayed from 60 to over 130 days before returning to normal.

What Needs To Be Done

Whenever you find that a rash has developed on your feet, it’s essential to seek treatment with your podiatrist right away. Doing so allows a quick diagnosis to take place, allowing for proper care to be administered. Once it has been determined that you are dealing with “COVID toe,” the good news is that you are at no immediate risk. Research has shown that no treatment is needed and that over time your skin will return to normal as your body fully recovers from your bout with COVID-19.    

Contact Us

If you suspect you are dealing with “COVID toe,” the first thing you should do is schedule an appointment with Cherrywood Foot Care for evaluation. We’ll help confirm if this is the case or determine if treatment is needed. For more information on how we can help, be sure to contact us at Cherrywood Foot Care today.

Cherrywood Foot Care