What Causes Foot Pain in the Elderly?

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What Causes Foot Pain in the Elderly?

As we get older, foot pain is a more common occurrence. Foot pain can make it harder to move around and carry out your normal daily activities. Foot pain can also cause issues with balance and increase the chance of falling. At Cherrywood Foot Care, we help patients of all ages manage their podiatric conditions. If you are experiencing foot pain, our team is here to help. To learn more about what causes foot pain in the elderly, continue reading below. 

Foot Pain in the Elderly

Aging can take a toll on your feet. With the amount of stress we place on our feet over a lifetime, it’s easy to see why foot problems occur. In addition to the general wear and tear, some changes happen in the body that will eventually affect the function of your bones, joints, and tendons. These changes usually develop gradually and can give rise to stability problems affecting the lower body. The foot is often considered the “mirror of health.” Podiatrists are often the first to see the signs of systemic conditions like arthritis, diabetes, and circulatory disease in the feet. Some of the symptoms of these health issues in the feet include brittle nails, dry skin, tingling sensation, and numbness. Our team would like to highlight some of the most common age-associated foot problems that can occur in an elderly patient and how they can cause foot pain:

Flat Feet

As we age, the ligaments in our feet can begin to stretch, which reduces the height of the arch and leads to flat feet. The pain caused by flat feet can increase with activity and is often associated with swelling along the arch and inner ankle. Having flat feet can alter the angle of your foot, causing loss of stability, overpronation, and increased risk of injury, 


Hammertoe is characterized as an abnormal bend in the joints of the toes that is generally caused by wearing narrow shoes that force toes deeper into the toe box. If you have hammertoes, the affected area may be more prone to corns and calluses. Swelling, pain, and joint stiffness are also associated with this condition. 

Toenail Changes

Your toenails may become thicker and more brittle as you age, making them more difficult to manage. Nail growth tends to slow with the decrease in hormone production. When your hormones decline, it can reduce keratin production and cause the nails to crack, discolor, or form ridges. 


One of the most common age-related foot complaints is osteoarthritis. This condition tends to be more prevalent in individuals over 60. The ankle joint, the subtalar joint, and the big toe are the most commonly affected. 

Contact Cherrywood Foot Care

The first step in managing your foot pain is to understand that you should never leave your pain unaddressed. You should not resign yourself to enduring foot pain without help. At Cherrywood Foot Care, our team provides quality foot care to patients of all ages. Contact our team today to schedule an appointment. 

Cherrywood Foot Care