Ways To Prevent Foot Warts

foot doctor Massapequa

Foot Doctor Massapequa

Foot warts, also called verrucas, are a common skin problem that can affect your feet. They’re caused by a virus and spread through direct contact with an infected surface, such as a locker or a swimming pool locker room floor. You can get foot warts from walking barefoot in areas where someone with an infected wart has walked, but it’s also possible to pick up the virus by touching your shoes or other objects touched by someone who has a foot wart.

There are ways you can help avoid getting foot warts:

1. Take Care Of Your Feet

Use lotion on your feet daily. You should spend about 5 minutes a day moisturizing your feet. Make it a habit! After a shower or bath, you should dry your feet carefully and completely before applying lotion. Then apply a thin layer of the cream to each foot every night.

2. Avoid Sharing Towels And Shoes

Don’t let others use your towel unless they have been cleared by the foot doctor Massapequa to do so. Foot warts can be spread by sharing towels, socks, or shoes.

3. Change Your Shoes

Wear flip-flops in public showers and locker rooms. This helps avoid going barefoot in places where someone else might have foot warts. If you must go barefoot, cover your feet with a plastic bag before you leave so no one can touch or pick at your feet.

4. Don’t Use The Same Towel Or Shower As Someone With Foot Warts

Before using a towel, check it for foot warts. If you find any, immediately launder the towel with hot water and detergent. After use, wash towels daily and make sure to dry them completely before putting them away.

5. Check All Shoes, Socks, And Other Items That Have Been In Contact With Foot Warts

foot specialist Merrick

Check all shoes and socks that you’ve worn for foot warts before using them again. If necessary, put plastic bags over your feet when wearing any items that might have been contaminated.

6. Keep The Area Clean And Dry

Trim your nails and cut calluses to avoid injury that can lead to foot warts, and keep the area clean and dry. If you’re diabetic or have a weakened immune system, check with your foot doctor Massapequa about how often it’s necessary to inspect your feet for potential problems arising from poor circulation or nerve damage.

7. See A foot doctor Massapequa If You Have Foot Warts

Seek medical help for foot warts to avoid having them spread. Your foot doctor Massapequa will first try to burn off the wart with liquid nitrogen. You may need to return several times before it’s completely gone, though this should bring some relief.

Contact Cherrywood Foot Care today to find out more ways on how to prevent contracting foot warts. If you or a loved one have already contracted a foot wart, our team of specialists can help treat and remove it in no time. Schedule an appointment today! 

Cherrywood Foot Care