What is this Sore on the Bottom of my Foot?

Our feet are the soles of your existence. LITERALLY. We use our feet for everything and anything. Your feet undergo a lot of stress daily, and wear and tear is inevitable. It is also expected that we have foot pain being the fact our feet are used so much in everyday life. Monitoring the health of your feet daily is crucial to overall wellness. Come by Cherrywood Foot Care and get the best treatment for foot pain on Long Island! We are eager to cater to your needs and answer any questions and concerns you have! Call us today for more information! 

Why does my foot hurt so much? 

Our feet are one of the most complicated parts of our bodies! Feet are made up of many and various small bones and tissues that work like a machine to help you give the support and stability.  There is one piece of tissue that sits along the bottom of the foot giving the foot the essentials to function. It is known as the plantar fascia, which is the ligament that connects the heel to the front part of the foot. The most common pain you experience is known as “plantar fasciitis”. This can occur from wearing the wrong shoe, injuring yourself in high impact activity, and even having too flat or high arched feet. 

Common Foot Problems 

Since we use our feet so much, chances are we face many different problems. Here are the most common:

  • Athlete’s foot 
  • Blisters 
  • Bunions 
  • Corns 
  • Plantar fasciitis 
  • Heel Spur
  • Claw Toe
  • Mallet or Hammer Toe
  • Gout
  • Ingrown Toenail
  • Fungal Nail Infection
  • Plantar Wart
  • Stone Bruise
  • Flat Foot
  • Morton’s Neuroma
  • Sesamoiditis
  • Diabetic Neuropathy 

Treatment for Foot Pain on Long Island

Here at Cherrywood Foot Care, we are here to offer the best treatment for foot pain on Long Island. We have a team of talented and highly trained professionals to offer you and your feet the care they need. Contact us today to set up a consultation so we can create the best plan for you! Cherrywood Foot Care has all the answers for you! Call us today!

Cherrywood Foot Care