Recovery After Flat Foot Surgery

Suffer from flat feet? Contact a foot doctor in Merrick. A flat foot is where the sole of your foot is touching the ground. It affects 25% of the population, but many people continue to live comfortably with flat feet. Flat foot surgery is for those who experience pain or functionality issues due to the condition. Flat foot surgery helps reconstruct the foot to improve mobility and comfort. If you are experiencing any pain or discomfort when walking or running, visit our foot doctor in Merrick to get an evaluation

Since the surgery is on a highly utilized part of the body, the feet, the recovery period is significant. The recovery time will depend on the severity of your condition but may take up to a year. Getting flat foot surgery can be transformative for many people. The freedom to live and be active again is worth the effort and sacrifice it takes to recover.

Starting Your Rehabilitation

After surgery, your foot will need a cast for about six weeks. During this time, it’s critical to rest as much as possible to allow for the best recovery. Our foot doctor in Merrick will help you along your recovery journey so you can make a successful recovery after flat foot surgery.

Once you remove the cast, you can begin physical therapy exercises for your feet, but you should still use crutches when walking around daily. You avoid putting too much weight on your feet for long periods and rest your feet by elevating them. 

Things to Avoid While Recovering 

  • Anti-inflammatory Medication
    • You should consult your doctor before taking any medications after surgery. Our foot doctor in Merrick will provide information on the medication you can take for pain management after surgery.
  • Smoking
  • Unhealthy Foods
    • Eating a nutritious diet is beneficial when recovering from surgery.

Long Term Care

Depending on how your recovery is going, you may be able to start low-impact sports as early as six months to twelve months. When returning to your normal activities, you will need to start slowly and gradually work back to full intensity to regain strength in your feet. 

It’s important to keep observing your feet even after you recover. It’s normal to experience some swelling between 6 to 12 months after surgery, but if you are feeling extreme pain or are concerned about any abnormalities, visit your podiatrist to check-in. 
If you are interested in flat foot correction surgery, visit our foot doctor in Merrick at Cherrywood Foot Care to learn more about the procedure.

Cherrywood Foot Care