Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY

Our Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY – Dr. Joseph Burke

Podiatrist in Bellmore

Dr. Joseph Burke and his team at Cherrywood Foot Care serving the communities of Bellmore, North Bellmore, Merrick, Wantagh, and East Meadow utilizes the latest cutting-edge podiatric technologies, from diagnostic ultrasound, digital radiology, and Noveon laser technology for toenail fungus treatment, to shock wave therapy for heel pain and the minimally invasive surgical procedure, endoscopic plantar fasciotomy. Dr. Burke specializes in the biomechanics of the foot, including custom orthotics and surgical correction of foot deformities. For the best Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY, Cherrywood Foot Care is the best way to treat your foot condition!

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Cherrywood Foot Care

Ingrown Toenails

Most often seen in the big toe, ingrown toenails can be very uncomfortable and can often reappear if not treated properly. If you suffer from ingrown toenails, our Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY at Cherrywood Foot Care can help.


What is an ingrown toenail?


Ingrown toenails or onychocryptosis is a condition in which the corner or side of a toenail grows into the skin. Once the edge of the nail breaks through the skin, it causes inflammation. Initially causing discomfort, it may progress into an infection and/or become a recurring problem. Typically the symptoms of an ingrown toenail are redness, pain, and swelling. If untreated, it may cause an infection, or the skin may start to grow over the ingrown toenail.


Causes of ingrown toenails


Ingrown toenails can be hereditary or caused by other problems such as:


  • Improper nail cutting.
  • Ill-fitting shoes.
  • Having unusually curved toenails.
  • Injuring your toe or toenail.


Left untreated or undetected, an ingrown toenail can infect the underlying bone and lead to a bone infection. If you have an ingrown toenail, don’t wait for it to get worse. Visit our Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY at Cherrywood Foot Care before it becomes a bigger problem.




Ingrown toenail prevention


There are some ways to prevent ingrown toenails from occurring. Here are some ways to prevent an ingrown toenail in the future:


  • Cut your toenails straight. Don’t curve your nails to match the shape of the front of your toe.
  • Cut toenails often enough to keep them at a moderate length.
  • Wearing shoes and socks that are not too tight.
  • If your job puts you at risk of a toe injury, wear protective footwear, such as steel-toed shoes.
  • Keep your feet clean and dry as much as possible.


How we can help


If your ingrown toenail is causing severe discomfort or there is redness in the toenail area, it is important to make an appointment with our Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY for treatment. If you have a condition that causes poor circulation to your feet, such as diabetes and you experience any foot sore or infection, it is essential that you seek medical attention. Our experienced team at Cherrywood Foot Care can help you and give you the treatment you need. You don’t have to let ingrown toenail pain negatively affect your quality of life forever! Contact us to make an appointment with our Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY at Cherrywood Foot Care today!

Foot Warts

A wart is a viral infection that can spread rapidly when untreated. Although they’re harmless, foot warts can be especially painful. The infection can be caused by cuts or abrasions on the skin, whether they’re big or small. When it comes to our feet, warts can be found in almost any area. They are normally raised and can be easily seen with its fleshy appearance. If you have noticed any warts recently and are looking to get rid of them, set up an appointment with Cherrywood Foot Care, a Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY. Our location is convenient for anyone living in Bellmore, North Bellmore, Merrick, Wantagh, and East Meadow, NY.




What is a plantar wart?


Plantar warts, also known as verrucas, can be identified as hard, grainy growths that are located on the bottom of the foot. Unlike other warts, the plantar wart can be identified through these features:


  • Non-raised or flat appearance
  • A coarse surface on the foot
  • Gray/brown coloring
  • Black dots or pinpoints near the center of the wart


How do they form?


You might be wondering, “how did I get this wart?” There are countless ways you could have contracted this virus. Kids and teens are more likely to contract warts than adults, but this does not mean everyone shouldn’t be aware of them. There are a few ways you can contract foot warts. Those may include:


  • Direct contact with the skin of another wart (whether that is another person or from your own skin)
  • Walking barefoot in public areas
  • Poor foot hygiene
  • Not changing your socks and shoes regularly
  • Scratching or picking at a wart you already have


How can our Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY treat your foot warts?


Although you may think your wart is gone forever, it’s extremely common for warts to eventually recur as time passes. The longer you wait to treat your warts, the more likely your wart will either grow or spread out into a larger cluster of warts. At Cherrywood Foot Care, our team will be able to determine the best treatment for your foot warts.


There are a few ways Cherrywood Foot Care and our Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY can help take care of your warts. These treatments include:


  • Ointment/Medication
  • Acidic ointments or medications can be used to break down a wart over a period of time.
  • Laser removal
  • A laser can be used to vaporize a wart from the body.
  • Laser removal is used in more severe cases.


Getting rid of your foot warts can be most effective when treated by a doctor. If you are looking for a Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY, make an appointment with the Cherrywood Foot Care team to help find the best solution for you

Heel Pain

The heel is an extremely important body part, as it plays a crucial role in normal foot movements. Unfortunately, due to its location, heel injuries can be especially challenging. Simple activities such as walking and even standing, put constant weight on the heel. These activities will cause more pain and could eventually lead to more severe injuries. At the same time, there is a wide range of different injuries and conditions that can cause heel pain. At Cherrywood Foot Care, our Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY has provided the following information on three common injuries and conditions that can cause heel pain:


Heel Injuries and Conditions


  1. Plantar fasciitis: This is an extremely common source of heel pain. Plantar fasciitis is when there is intense inflammation of the connecting tissue between the heel and the toes. The inflammation is usually caused by overuse and by putting too much pressure on the ligament. Symptoms include stabbing pain when taking steps. This pain can be especially severe in the early morning.
  2. Heel spur: A heel spur is a buildup of abnormal calcium deposits near the heel. The main causes include arthritis, wearing ill-fitting shoes, and obesity. Heel spurs are difficult to diagnose without seeing a doctor, but some of the usual symptoms include swelling, inflammation, pain, and warmness of the foot. Surgery may be necessary in the most extreme cases of heel spurs.
  3. Bursitis: Bursitis is a condition where fluid-filled sacs build up near your joints. This condition can affect other joints in the body besides the heel. However, when bursitis develops in the heel, the symptoms can be very similar to heel spurs and plantar fasciitis. Symptoms include inflammation, swelling, and sharp pain. Repetitive actions will eventually cause bursitis.


Many of the injuries and conditions that cause heel pain have similar treatments. Here are some general tips that you can do at home to reduce heel pain.


Heel Pain Tips and Prevention:


  1. Resting/ keep weight off the heel: This will allow the injury to heal and prevent the injury from getting worse.
  2. Ice it: Icing your heel will reduce inflammation and soreness.
  3. Use a brace: Depending on what is wrong, there might be a specific brace that you can wear to help treat it.
  4. Wear proper shoes: Wearing ill-fitting shoes is a common cause of heel pain for many people. Make sure your feet have room to breathe and that they receive the support that they need.
  5. Stretches: Stretching can prevent heel injuries and alleviate heel pain.


Here at Cherrywood Foot Care, heel pain is just one of the many foot conditions that we can treat. Our Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY will help determine what heel injury or condition you are suffering from and then provide you with a comprehensive treatment plan.

Jones Fracture


A Jones fracture is a foot injury involving the fifth metatarsal along the outside of the foot connecting to the pinky toe. Because Jones fractures are often mistaken for ankle sprains, they often go undiagnosed and can lead to more serious problems. Luckily, our Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY at Cherrywood Foot Care can help you with whatever fractures in your feet you might have.


Some of the symptoms of a Jones fracture include:


  • Pain and swelling on the outside of a foot at the base of the little toe
  • Difficulty walking
  • Bruising


At Cherrywood Foot Care, our Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY will diagnose your Jones fracture by examining your foot, asking about the pain you are having, and taking x-rays. After receiving a diagnosis, your doctor will show you how to treat your injury. The best way to take care of your foot is by giving it as much rest as you can, as well as applying ice to the affected area and elevating your foot when possible.


However, sometimes a Jones fracture might require surgery, depending on the severity. If surgery is required for you, our surgeons in Bellmore will show you how to care for your injury after the surgery. Depending on your condition, you might be able to put weight on your foot seven to 14 days after your surgery. It might take as much as three to four months to regain full mobility.


Our Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY at Cherrywood Foot Care is there for your metatarsal injuries, and we want to provide excellent care depending on the severity of your condition. Whatever the cause of your injury is, we want to help you get back on your feet and be able to enjoy life again, pain-free. If you think you might have suffered a Jones fracture, you can make an appointment and we will look at it, and tell you what you need to make the pain stop.


Metatarsalgia is a condition where inflammation occurs in the balls of one’s foot.  It is often prevalent in active runners or athletes in sports with a lot of foot pressure. It can also be caused by uncomfortable or tight footwear.  If you are looking for a Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY to help with this problem, the doctors at Cherrywood Foot Care may be able to help. Although it is usually not serious, it may be caused by other health problems, including deformities in the foot, or more serious medical conditions. Metatarsalgia can often be helped with therapy or orthotics.




Because it is usually not serious, metatarsalgia is easy to treat at home, usually by resting or icing the feet and putting a bandage over it. If pain occurs after the first 24 hours, seek medical attention, as it could be a result of a more serious medical problem. At Cherrywood Foot Care, they can prescribe orthotics that can help ease foot pain, which is custom fitted to one’s foot. Cherrywood Foot Care does not recommend over-the-counter orthotics, as those are more mass-produced rather than fitted to one’s individual foot needs, and they are often made of a foam material which does not fit your foot properly.


The Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY at Cherrywood Foot Care can also provide X-rays to get an exam of one’s foot, to see if there may be another problem in the foot causing the pain. Although usually not serious, metatarsalgia may be the result of other medical issues in the foot including high arches or a hammertoe deformity. These issues are often common in diabetics, so if your metatarsalgia is caused by another medical issue, such as arthritis or diabetes, let your doctor know, as they can then help with that. Because diabetics are more prone to foot problems, the doctors at Cherrywood Foot Care may either prescribe a diabetic patient custom orthotics or some other treatment option.


The podiatrist in Bellmore at Cherrywood Foot Care can help you with your metatarsalgia, by telling you what the cause of it is, as well as telling how to treat it, and providing the proper prescriptions if needed.


Do you have a sharp pain under your big toe? Did it gradually become more painful over time? It’s possible that you have Sesamoiditis. Sesamoiditis is an injury affecting the bone in the ball of your foot and the soft tissue surrounding it. If you are looking for treatment for Sesamoiditis in Bellmore, at Cherrywood Foot Care, our Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY will be able to help get you back on your feet again!


With a Sesamoid injury, inflammation occurs around the Sesamoid bones which make it extremely painful to walk. As a result, most people try to walk on the outside of the foot. Long-term changes to the way you walk can create pain in other areas of the body, which is called over-compensation pain. To prevent this, it is important to see a Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY as soon as possible.




Causes of Sesamoiditis:


  • Arthritic changes to the Sesamoid bones
  • Osteoporosis
  • Trauma to the Sesamoid bones
  • High Heels
  • Carrying heavy loads over time
  • Bone abnormalities
  • High arches
  • Runners who overpronate
  • Athletes or dancers who put great strain on the forefoot
  • Bony feet


Our Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY uses a variety of methods to treat Sesamoiditis. Some common treatments we recommend are:


  • Stop the activity that strains your forefoot
  • Take aspirin or ibuprofen
  • Rest and ice the bottom of your foot
  • Wear shoes will low heels and soft soles
  • Use felt cushioning pads
  • Tape the big toe to keep it slanted downwards
  • Steroid injections to reduce swelling
  • Wearing a short leg fracture brace


A Sesamoid injury is an overuse injury. This is caused by repetitive and straining movements done over time. Most individuals with Sesamoiditis notice a stop or decrease their pain with decreased activity.


Call to make an appointment with a Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY so we can diagnose your pain and successfully treat it. We want to get you back to doing the things you love without the pain.


We probably get asked, “Is running bad for your feet” a lot here at Cherrywood Foot Care.The answer to that question is no, running isn’t bad for your feet. Running is great for your overall health. It can strengthen your body, improve your mood, boost cognitive functioning, and even prolong your life. If you have experienced a running injury and are in need of a Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY, we can help.


What you need to consider is the way you run. If you run with incorrect form, it can severely strain your joints, especially the feet. If left ignored, it can result in some serious injuries.


If injuries do happen, our Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY is here to help! If you have been experiencing pain or recently sustained an injury due to running, contact us today to schedule your appointment!


How You Strike The Ground 


As mentioned before, running isn’t bad for you. It’s about how you run is what you need to consider.


There are different ways your feet strike the ground and for many years experts have debated about what is the correct type of foot strike. And the answer to that question is tricky.


The three different ways your feet strike the ground are with your heel, midfoot, and forefoot. There is no right way of how the foot should land on the ground because each person is different. Other factors that you also need to consider are the conditions you are running in, the shoes you are wearing, and your body type.


To see how this works out, most see the heel-to-tee method as the most detrimental, while the forefront allows the Achilles tendon to absorb some of the shocks, therefore evenly distributing the impact.


It doesn’t mean that you have bad form if you run with the heel method. What we do suggest is that by wearing the right shoes with proper cushion, you can reduce your chances of injury.


So How Should I Run? 


Again, the answer isn’t concrete. What we do suggest is that you practice better running form by finding one that is most comfortable for you.


We can also suggest that by mixing up your foot landings, you can reduce the stress on the joints and reduce injury.


Most importantly, wear proper shoes for running. Don’t be afraid to try out different foot landings to see what works best for you. In the end, you should base it on how your body feels after the impact.


Contact Our Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY Today


No, running isn’t bad for your feet. But if you begin to experience pain, we suggest that you stop running, allow your feet to rest until the pain subsides, apply ice packs if swelling occurs, and take pain medication. If those do not work and pain becomes unbearable, then contact us immediately at Cherrywood Foot Care. Our Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY will assess the issue and develop a treatment plan that is right for you!


Summer is the time to be outside in the sun and have great outdoor experiences with friends and family. However, if you’re not careful, you can end up causing damage to your feet by participating in certain activities. At Cherrywood Foot Care, we’ve seen the actions people take this season directly affect the health of their feet. That is why we’d like to share some beneficial tips for foot care this summer. To learn more about what this entails, please contact our Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY.


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Don’t Go Barefoot


With the summer heat fully cranked up, it’s easy to want to walk around barefoot in certain areas. While this may seem like a good idea initially, doing so can lead to foot problems. Bacteria and fungus thrive in warm, damp places, such as public locker rooms and poolside areas. Walking around barefoot in areas such as these can cause the following to develop:


  • Plantar warts.
  • Athlete’s foot.
  • Toenail fungus.




Many people already know the importance of applying sunscreen to their face and upper body. However, if you plan on wearing sandals and heading to the beach, it’s just as important to apply sunscreen to your feet as well. Failing to do so can lead to sunburn developing, which can cause pain with every step.


Wear The Right Shoes


As previously stated, many people choose to wear flip flops and sandals when heading out in the summer. While these types of footwear are great for the beach, you mustn’t choose to wear them too often. Flip flops and sandals offer little support for your ankles and arches, leading to foot problems. That is why we recommend wearing shoes that provide ample support as often as possible. When you fail to do so, you subject yourself to dealing with the following:


  • Balance issues.
  • Strained or overextended tendons.
  • Shooting pains.
  • Plantar fasciitis.
  • Increased foot swelling.


Contact Our Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY


At Cherrywood Foot Care, our Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY doesn’t want you to spend your summer plagued with foot pain and discomfort. By committing to the previously mentioned self-care tips, you’ll increase the likelihood of getting through this season without issue. However, we also know that even when you’re careful, problems can still occur. Should this happen to you, be sure to contact us today to schedule an appointment for treatment.


In the United States alone, over 75% of people will experience foot-related complications at least once in their lives. If you currently fall into this 75%, our team at Cherrywood Foot Care will be here to provide you with the top of the line care. When conditions such as plantar fasciitis affect you, we’ll be able to provide you with the highest quality of treatment available at our facility.


What Is Plantar Fasciitis?


The plantar fascia is a thick band of tissue that runs from the heel to the toes. This band helps with absorbing shocks that come with everyday movements such as walking. When this band becomes irritated and inflamed, the condition known as plantar fasciitis begins to develop. To alleviate your symptoms, you may need to seek out our Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY. Among the most common symptoms of this condition are:


  • Difficulty walking.
  • Experiencing heel pain that is at its worst in the morning.
  • Development of heel spurs.


Aggravation of Plantar Fasciitis:


Plantar fasciitis develops when tension and stress placed on the plantar fascia leads to irritation. But what causes this tension and stress to take place? The team at Cherrywood Foot Care has the answers to this question. Below are some risk factors that can lead to the aggravation of plantar fasciitis:


  • Obesity: Your feet bear the entirety of your body weight. When you are overweight, it can cause extra stress to be placed on your feet, especially the plantar fascia.


  • Age: As we age, our bodies become more susceptible to certain conditions.  Plantar fasciitis is no exception to this rule of thumb, as it is most common in people between the ages of 40 and 60.


  • Certain exercises: Some types of exercise can place large amounts of stress on the heels, triggering plantar fasciitis. Such exercises include long-distance running, ballet, and aerobic dance.


  • Occupation: Some jobs require employees to stand on their feet for large portions of the day. Those who have a job that requires long periods of standing and walking are at an increased risk of developing plantar fasciitis.


How Our Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY Can Help:


When plantar fasciitis begins to impede your ability to complete daily tasks, consider reaching out to our staff at Cherrywood Foot Care. With our Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY, your symptoms can be relieved, allowing you to regain the quality of life that plantar fasciitis may have taken from you. Treatment methods that may be administered by our podiatrists include:


  • Extracorporeal shock wave treatment.
  • Creating custom orthotics.
  • Prescribing pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory medication.   


Cherrywood Foot Care- Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY


At Cherrywood Foot Care, our staff has been providing our Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY for more than a quarter of a century. Our podiatrists are dedicated to the well-being and treatment of every patient that trusts us with their care. Plantar fasciitis is a difficult condition to live with, but it does not have to last forever. If plantar fasciitis has begun to cause problems in your life, contact our team right away. We’ll do everything in our power to eliminate this condition promptly and get you back to living a pain-free life!


Having a poor circulatory system can spell disaster for those wanting to live a healthy lifestyle. Blood must be transported throughout the entire body to promote proper function. When this cannot be done, your feet may be the first to suffer from this complication. Here at Cherrywood Foot Care, our Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY can help locate warning signs and develop a course of action for correcting this issue. If you are experiencing poor circulation in your feet, we recommend that you leave it in the hands of a professional to provide you with the care you need!


Signs of Poor Circulation in Your Feet


You may notice several warning signs when suffering from poor circulation. Blood will typically begin to pool in the lower half of your body being, that it is experiencing difficulty pumping upwards. As a result of this, you may notice one or more of the following occurring in your feet:


  • Numbness or tingling.
  • Ulcers.
  • Swelling.
  • Constantly feeling cold.
  • Changes in skin color.
  • Cramping in joints.
  • Varicose veins.


Causes of Poor Circulation


When experiencing the above symptoms, your first move should be to contact our Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY. Our skilled team of podiatrists will be able to assess your circulation to see how it is affecting you and determine an effective course of treatment. Below are some of the most common causes of poor circulation:


  • Peripheral artery disease.
  • Blood clots.
  • Obesity.
  • Diabetes.
  • Raynaud’s disease.


How Our Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY Can Help


Blood carries oxygen and other vital nutrients throughout the body, and if it’s not being dispersed correctly, your feet can suffer from permanent nerve and tissue damage. When experiencing poor circulation in your feet, walking may also become incredibly difficult, which is why it is important to reach out to our Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY for help. The following are a few options for treatment that may be laid out to you at the time of your appointment:


  • Wearing compression socks to reduce swelling and increase blood flow.
  • Prescribing insulin for diabetic patients.
  • A specific workout regimen tailored to strengthen the circulatory system.
  • Laser treatment options to remove varicose veins.


Visit Cherrywood Foot Care To See Our Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY


At Cherrywood Foot Care, we offer numerous services and treatments that are all dedicated to providing our patients with optimal foot care. Our Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY will come up with the most effective treatment plan for correcting poor circulation in your feet and help eliminate your symptoms. If you’d like to learn more about how we can treat this common issue, be sure to contact us today!


Did you know that there are over 100 different types of arthritis a person can suffer from? With so many variations of this condition, it stands to reason that at least some affect your foot health. Should this happen to you, our Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY at Cherrywood Foot Care will be there to help. Our expert podiatrists will let you know some signs that point to arthritis in your feet and how we can treat and manage them.


How Can Arthritis Affect The Feet? 


The feet are made of an intricate network of bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons, which all work in sync with one another to allow for movement. There are over 28 bones and 30 joints in each foot, meaning arthritis can strike in various ways. Some examples of where this condition takes place in the feet include:


  • The joint where the ankle and shinbone meet.
  • The joints that involve the heel bone, inner mid-foot bone, and outer mid-foot bone.
  • The joint of the big toe and foot bone.


Common Symptoms To Watch For


When arthritis is left unchecked for too long, it can cause permanent damage to the affected joint. That is why it is crucial that patients are able to catch the development of arthritis at an early stage. If you find yourself dealing with any of the below symptoms in your feet, it’s time to consider scheduling an appointment with our Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY:


  • Tenderness.
  • Pain.
  • Limited range of motion.
  • Stiffness in the joint.
  • Swelling of the foot.


What Are The Treatment Options?


At Cherrywood Foot Care, we want our patients to know that we will help combat your arthritic symptoms in any way we can. Our main goal is to keep our patients healthy, and we have a variety of treatment options we can administer to allow this to happen. These treatment methods include the following:


  • Developing custom-made orthotics for our patients.
  • Providing braces to help support and stabilize the joint.
  • Prescribing anti-inflammatory medication.
  • Steroid injections.
  • In severe cases, surgical procedures.


Contact Our Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY


Don’t let arthritis-based pain take over your life. By contacting our team at Cherrywood Foot Care, you can receive the care needed to improve your quality of life. To schedule your first appointment, contact us today.


Our feet are responsible for bearing nearly all of our body weight. With so much stress being put on this area each day, it’s not uncommon to experience minor pain and discomfort now and again. In many cases, medical intervention will not be needed for the pain to dissipate. However, our Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY at Cherrywood Foot Care stresses that patients should know when a severe issue is taking place so that they can seek professional attention.


Common Causes Of Foot Pain


When it comes to foot pain, there are a variety of issues that can be to blame. Fortunately, here at Cherrywood Foot Care, we’re able to help with a majority of the most common foot problems. After your condition has been properly diagnosed, we’ll move forward with the form of treatment we believe is the most beneficial. Examples of the issues we can help with can include the below:


  • Achilles tendonitis.
  • Plantar fasciitis.
  • Bone spurs.
  • Broken bones.
  • Stress fractures.
  • Bunions.
  • Bursitis.


When To See Our Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY?


As previously stated, it’s essential to have the ability to differentiate between minor foot pain and when a major issue is taking place. Being able to do so can save you from suffering damage that leaves long-lasting effects. That is why our team highly recommends scheduling an appointment for care if you find yourself dealing with any of the following symptoms:


  • Severe pain or swelling.
  • Inability to put weight on your foot.
  • Limited range of motion.
  • Wounds or sores that won’t heal.
  • A burning or tingling sensation at the bottom of your feet.
  • Visible deformities.


How Our Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY Will Help


Upon visiting our facilities when dealing with any of the previously mentioned symptoms, our podiatrists will perform diagnostic tests to determine the root of the issue. Once these tests are completed, we can move forward with the form of treatment we believe will yield the best results. There are a variety of treatment services offered by our podiatrists, some of which are listed below:


  • Laser treatment.
  • Diabetic foot care.
  • Extracorporeal shockwave therapy.
  • Use of custom orthotics.
  • In extreme cases, surgery.


Contact Our Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY


Patients living with foot pain shouldn’t feel as if they need to go through this alone. At Cherrywood Foot Care, our podiatrists can offer the necessary treatment methods to get you back to full strength. If you believe you have a foot issue that requires medical attention to correct, don’t hesitate to contact our Podiatrist in Farmingdale NY today.

Cherrywood Foot Care