Corns vs. Calluses

Are you currently dealing with corns or calluses and are in need of a podiatrist in Bellmore? Our team at Cherrywood Foot Care can help you. Visit our website today to see how our services can help you! 

What are Corns?

Corns are calluses that form on the toes. They typically form on the toes because bones that push against shoes, build pressure on the skin. Hard corns are usually found on the side or top of the toe, whereas soft corns favor open sores and develop in between the toes as they rub against each other.

What Causes Corns?

The most common way people get corns on their toes is from shoes fitting improperly. Tight shoes can lead to toe deformities and corns.

How to Treat Corns? 

To treat corns at home, it is recommended to soak your feet regularly and use a pumice stone or callus file to reduce the size of the corn. You can also wear foam pads to assist in relieving the pressure and discomfort.

What are Calluses?

Calluses can occur on the ball or heel of the foot, or on the outer side of the big toe, creating hard, thick skin on the area. Calluses indicate a problem with the bone, where many typically think calluses are a simple skin problem. People who are unsure about corns or calluses should visit a podiatrist in Bellmore.

How Do Calluses Form? 

Calluses form from constant friction and pressure, as the shoe rubs against a bony area on the toe or foot. Small amounts of friction or pressure over long periods cause a corn or callus. As a result of the pressure, the skin will thicken in response. 

How to Treat Calluses?

Calluses have painful nerves and bursal sacs, which are fluid-filled balloons that act as shock absorbers. This can cause symptoms varying from sharp or shooting pain to aching soreness. Calluses can be treated with over-the-counter callus removers. These calluses removers contain strong acids to peel the excess skin away after repeated application. Another treatment option is by soaking the foot or feet in warm soapy water and gently rubbing away any dead skin that loosens. Then you can use a pumice stone to scrub away the thickened skin and apply your favorite moisturizer to the hardened areas to keep them softer and relieve pain. If you want to avoid trying to heal your calluses at home, schedule an appointment with a podiatrist in Bellmore.

Podiatrist in Bellmore

Cherrywood Foot Care is a local podiatry clinic that offers a variety of treatments and services. To treat calluses, we can apply comfortable padding to the painful areas. If the case is more severe, we may prescribe medication to relieve inflammation or inject cortisone into the fluid-filled bursa sac to quickly reduce pain and swelling. If you have had a corn for a long time or it seems very large, schedule an appointment to visit our podiatrist in Bellmore at Cherrywood Foot Care.

Cherrywood Foot Care