01 Sep November is National Diabetes Month
Diabetes affects around 26 million people in the United States. This group of diseases is identified by high levels of blood glucose and usually comes along with other health complications. More often than not, diabetes-related complications will arise in the foot. While these complications are not always preventable, working with a team of experienced podiatrists can only increase your chances for treatment as well as maintaining diabetes-related symptoms!
If you or someone you know is one of the millions of people affected by Diabetes, know that November is dedicated to Diabetes awareness! Throughout the month, we urge the community to help educate themselves as well as spread awareness to others about this disease and some of the complications you may be susceptible to.
Diabetes Facts:
Diabetes is defined by a group of diseases that reflect your blood sugar levels. While you may be aware of this, there are other facts you may want to keep in mind during November:
- There are two different types: type 1 and type 2.
- Around 50% of people with type 2 diabetes do not experience any of the common symptoms of Diabetes.
- Diabetes is now considered a global epidemic.
- You could be at risk without knowing it.
- Diabetes is considered a risk factor for multiple different ailments including blindness, heart disease, and kidney disease.
Common Symptoms:
If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, it may be beneficial to visit a medical professional.
- Extreme hunger
- Extreme thirst
- Unexplained weight loss
- Slow-healing- cuts and, sores take much longer to heal
- Increase in infections
- Fatigue
- Vision changes
- Tingling or numbness in the extremities
What You Should Know About Diabetic Foot Care:
A good percentage of those who suffer from diabetes, also experience foot complications. These complications can become detrimental to your health down the road when left untreated, which is why at Cherrywood Foot Care, we urge you to seek out help as soon as possible! Diabetic patients should keep a close eye on their feet. Being proactive, and taking preventative steps can make a huge difference when it comes to your feet. By visiting a podiatrist you can help stay ahead of the game when it comes to foot care, and hopefully, keep any symptoms that are affecting your feet at bay.
Contact a Podiatrist:
Due to circulatory issues that come along with diabetes, your feet will likely be affected. This will likely lead to issues like decreased sensation as well as slowing down your body’s natural healing process. Seeking out help early on is important if you don’t want diabetes to completely affect your quality of life. By working with a podiatrist, you can have a thorough evaluation, and work towards making the right medical and lifestyle adjustments for yourself. This could be as simple as finding the proper footwear! To learn more about diabetic foot care, or how we can treat you, make sure to visit Cherrywood Foot Care for all your questions and concerns!