How Long Does Sesamoiditis Take To Heal?

How Long Does Sesamoiditis Take To Heal?

Have you begun to notice a gradual development of pain beneath the ball of your foot? Does this pain start or interfere with physical activities that you were once able to tolerate? Answering ‘yes’ to any of these questions may indicate that you are suffering from a condition known as sesamoiditis. If you believe that you are dealing with sesamoiditis, you should begin your search for an East Meadow Podiatrist right away. Here at Cherrywood Foot Care, our podiatrists have years of training and experience to provide you with the care needed to help manage this painful condition and get you back to doing what you love.

What Is Sesamoiditis? – Sesamoiditis Symptoms

Sesamoid bones differ from the rest of the bones in your body. Most bones are attached via joints. A sesamoid, however, is a type of bone that is connected to other bones by tendons. There are two of these popcorn kernel sized bones found in your foot. When the tendons surrounding these bones become irritated and inflamed, it is known as sesamoiditis. If you are experiencing any of the below symptoms, you should visit us at Cherrywood Foot Care for a East Meadow Podiatrist:

  • Inability to straighten or bend your big toe.
  • Pain in the ball of the foot. 
  • Swelling.
  • Bruising.

Who Is At Risk? – Sesamoiditis Causes

Sesamoids have multiple functions within the body. They help lift the bones of the big toe, allow the tendons of your foot to function properly, and help to support your body weight. Because sesamoiditis commonly results from overuse of the tendons surrounding the sesamoids, the following people are most at risk: 

  • Ballet dancers.
  • Baseball catchers.
  • Runners.
  • People with high foot arches.  

East Meadow Podiatrist For Sesamoiditis Treatment

Our team of podiatrists here at Cherrywood Foot Care are prepared to help alleviate all of the pain and discomfort you have been experiencing as a result of sesamoiditis. Luckily, with proper care, this condition can usually be resolved within 6 weeks. When visiting us for cases of sesamoiditis, we may recommend one or more of the below solutions to help eradicate your sesamoiditis:

  • Take anti-inflammatories to reduce pain and inflammation.
  • Wear a custom orthotic insert which we will provide.
  • Avoid activities that trigger your pain.
  • Apply ice for 10 minutes at a time to help with inflammation.
  • Substitute high-heels for more supportive, low-heeled shoes.

Foot pain can be extremely aggravating to deal with and manage. One simple act such as walking can become excruciating if your condition is not dealt with properly. Luckily, our team of East Meadow podiatrists are here at Cherrywood Foot Care! Our top priority is to help patients overcome numerous foot-related issues and get them back to living a pain-free life. Don’t let sesamoiditis stop you in your tracks, contact us today to get the care and treatment that you deserve!    

Frequently Asked Questions

What is sesamoiditis?

Sesamoiditis is a condition characterized by inflammation and pain in the sesamoid bones located in the ball of the foot.

What are the symptoms of sesamoiditis?

Symptoms of sesamoiditis include pain and tenderness in the big toe joint or the ball of the foot.

How is sesamoiditis diagnosed?

Doctor may recommend imaging tests such as an bone scan, x-ray or MRI to diagnose sesamoiditis.

What causes this condition?

Sesamoiditis is caused by overuse or repetitive stress on the sesamoid bones in the foot.

How is it treated?

In mild cases, physical therapy or taping the big toe may help relieve pain and inflammation. In severe cases, orthotic inserts or anti-inflammatory medication may be necessary.

What is the recovery time for sesamoiditis?

The recovery time for sesamoiditis depends on the severity of the condition, ranging from a few weeks to several months.

When should I seek treatment for sesamoiditis?

If symptoms of sesamoiditis persist and don’t fade within a week, it is important to seek treatment from a healthcare professional. You should also seek treatment if your sesamoid has become inflamed.

Can sesamoiditis lead to complications?

Chronic sesamoiditis can lead to long-term complications such as stress fractures or other soft tissue injuries in the foot.

Is sesamoiditis common among dancers?

Yes, dancers are particularly prone to developing sesamoiditis due to the repetitive stress on the sesamoid bones in the foot.

Cherrywood Foot Care