How Does Running Affect Your Feet?

How Does Running Affect Your Feet?

It is no secret that running is an excellent way to stay in shape. This form of exercise can boost your cardiovascular health and even help you shed off a few extra pounds. However, it is important to understand the effects that excessive running can have on your feet. Here at Cherrywood Foot Care, we want to make sure our patients remain healthy and pain-free. That is why we’d like to share what can potentially happen to your feet if you overdo this exercise or do it incorrectly so that you can ensure that your feet stay safe and healthy!


One of the first things new runners should be wary of is the development of blisters. Although they are not life-threatening, blisters can cause copious amounts of pain and discomfort. Blisters are caused by friction and are likely to take place when your feet become wet from sweating.

Black Toenails

Due to the repetitive nature of this exercise, frequent running can cause your toes to rub up against the front of your shoes constantly, leading to the development of black toenails. As your nail gets pushed down into your nail bed, it becomes bruised and inflamed. The blackened nail can fall off and begin to regrow, or it can act as a cosmetic issue for some time.


Bunions are another unfortunate aftereffect of frequent running. They take place when the joint at the base of one’s big toe begins to swell. This swelling can cause a misalignment in the toes, leading to pain and discomfort when walking. 

Additional Impact

At Cherrywood Foot Care, we know there are no shortages of ways that excessive running can affect your feet. Fortunately, our team is well versed in helping patients as you overcome them. Additional issues that avid runners tend to face include:

  • Athlete’s foot.
  • Burning feet.
  • Plantar fasciitis.

What You Can Do

Here at Cherrywood Foot Care, we understand that running is something that many people love to do. While stopping running altogether is not necessary or recommended by us, there are some things you can do to combat the potential negative effects of this exercise on your foot health, including:

  • Choosing running shoes that fit snuggly.
  • Making sure to not overdo it and allowing your body to rest.
  • Wearing moisture-wicking socks.
  • Applying skin lubricants before runs.
  • Opting for running shoes with a wide toe box.
  • Purchasing running shoes with minimal heel-to-toe drops.
  • Keeping your laces closest towards your toes loose while the laces near your ankle tight.
  • Getting custom orthotics at Cherrywood Foot Care.
  • Regularly visiting a trusted podiatrist.

Contact Us

A foot issue should never stop you from doing what you love. If you begin to experience any of the issues mentioned above, it is important that you contact our team right away to get the care you need. We are prepared to administer the treatment needed to get you back on your feet today!

Cherrywood Foot Care