How Can I Rehabilitate a Sprained Ankle?

An ankle sprain can bring pain, swelling, and discomfort. When the ankle is sprained, it’s important to understand how to continue your daily activities without causing further damage to the area. If your ankle pain does not improve after a few days, or if you are unable to walk, be sure to see our podiatrist in East Meadow at Cherrywood Foot Care.

Initial Treatment

Sprained ankles can vary in severity, but the first step in caring for your sprained ankle is the R.I.C.E  method – rest, ice, compression, and elevation.

  • Rest: the first few days after a sprain are the most critical in preventing further injury. During this time, be sure to limit activities and do not stress the ankle any further.
  • Ice: Ice will reduce inflammation of the area and help with any pain you may have. Ice packs or ice wraps made for the ankle area will work to reduce pain and swelling.
  • Compression: Wrapping the area with an ace bandage will not only provide support but will help with your recovery. Wrap the ankle from your toe to your calf. The wrap should be snug, but should not cut off circulation.
  • Elevation: Keeping your ankle and foot above your heart will help reduce inflammation and increase the ability of the area to heal.  

Preparing the Ankle for Strengthening

While you might be eager to get back to active living, even after the first 48 hours post injury, it is important to continue to check in with your ankle injury to make sure there isn’t a more serious problem, such as a fracture or a serious sprain. Be sure to assess your ankle after you exit the R.I.C.E. stage of treatment.

  • Asses the Ankle: After the initial few days of injury, you should be able to examine the ankle to determine if it is ready for strengthening, or if you may need the assistance of a medical professional.
    • Joint Alignment: be sure to check that the joint of the ankle is not dislocated, maligned, or fractured. If you suspect a misalignment, see our podiatrist in East Meadow as soon as possible.

Exercise and Strengthening

After using the R.I.C.E. method for the first 24-48 hours after injury, you can begin to take the next steps in rehabilitating your ankle sprain. To prevent re-injury and regain optimal function, use strength and exercise training. You can begin this rehabilitation after you can tolerate the exercises without pain.

Next Steps

If your ankle sprain does not improve after a week, or you continue to have trouble putting weight on your ankle, you might have a more serious injury and should seek our podiatrist in East Meadow at Cherrywood Foot Care. Contact us today to learn how we can help you develop a personalized treatment plan.

Sprained Ankle Rehabilitation
Service Type
Sprained Ankle Rehabilitation
Provider Name
Cherrywood Foot Care,
East Meadow
Contact us today to learn how we can help you develop a personalized treatment plan with the help of our podiatrist in East Meadow.
Cherrywood Foot Care