Heel Spur Treatment in Seaford

heel spur treatment in Seaford

Dr. Joseph Burke and his team at Cherrywood Foot Care serving the communities of Bellmore, North Bellmore, Merrick, Wantagh, and East Meadow utilizes the latest cutting-edge podiatric technologies, from digital radiology, and Noveon laser technology for toenail fungus treatment, to shock wave therapy for heel pain and the minimally invasive surgical procedure, endoscopic plantar fasciotomy. Dr. Burke specializes in the biomechanics of the foot, including custom orthotics and surgical correction of foot deformities. Our team has the experience you need to heal from your foot issues. Contact us if you need heel spur treatment in Seaford.

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    Reasons to See a Podiatrist

    A podiatrist is an important kind of medical professional that specializes in foot and ankle care. However, it can be hard to see why you should go to a podiatrist over a general healthcare provider. Many reasons for seeing a podiatrist are either related or unrelated to a foot or ankle injury, and if you want to look for Heel Spur treatment in Seaford after knowing why, Cherrywood Foot Care can help you with your foot and ankle care or concerns.

    Why You Should Seek Heel Spur treatment in Seaford

    A podiatrist has learned how to deal with foot and ankle injuries specifically, so they know the foot better than any other kind of medical professional. However, if you’re considering a consultation with a podiatrist, you may be wondering, “What conditions can a podiatrist help me with?” Different conditions that a podiatrist can help you with include:

    • Joint pain (arthritis)
    • Heel pain
    • Ingrown toenails
    • Strains/sprains/broken bones
    • Calluses/corns
    • Bunions
    • Athlete’s foot

    These different conditions can be diagnosed and treated by a podiatrist because of their advanced foot and ankle knowledge, so it is best to consult one when you are experiencing any ailment with your feet or ankles. At Cherrywood Foot Care, we provide the care you need for these conditions!

    However, there are even more reasons why you should see a podiatrist. Podiatrists are not just trained to treat conditions but can also provide other kinds of care for their patients. See a podiatrist if any of these circumstances apply to you:

    • You need foot surgery. Surgery is often the last resort for podiatrists, but they know how to perform the procedures that people may need for their foot and ankle injuries. Some conditions that may require surgery include bunions, broken bones, and recurring ingrown toenails.
    • You’ve started running. Runners are susceptible to foot and ankle pain and injuries. A podiatrist can look at your feet and body, determine potential conditions you may experience as a runner, and guide you on how to avoid them. By consulting a podiatrist, you can be safer with your running.
    • You have diabetes. Diabetes can make people more susceptible to foot and ankle problems, such as dry skin and infections. You should have a foot exam from a podiatrist each year to look for potential signs of problems; taking these measures reduces your chances of amputation because of diabetes.

    Heel Spur treatment in Seaford

    Many people suffer from foot and ankle problems or are at risk of having them, and finding the right podiatrist for you can be stressful. There is no need for stress with Cherrywood Foot Care. If you or someone you know is looking for a Heel Spur treatment in Seaford, we are here to help. Please visit our website to learn more about us. Don’t wait any longer to get the care you need. Contact us today!

    What Causes Heel Spurs?

    Believe it or not, heel spurs are a significant injury that can actually fly under the radar and go undetected by some patients. For others, dealing with them can make every step they take a confrontation with pain. But have you considered what could have brought upon this painful condition you are now facing? At Cherrywood Foot Care, our Heel Spur treatment in Seaford can help you understand and investigate the cause of your injury and treat your heel spurs today.  

    What Are Heel Spurs?

    A heel spur is a calcium deposit that sticks out from the back of your heel that can cause large amounts of pain and irritation. These buildups usually arise over the course of many months and are the product of strains on the muscles and ligaments in the foot.  Plantar fasciitis is also a common factor associated with the formation of heel spurs. The plantar fascia is a fibrous band of connective tissue that connects the heel bone to the ball of your foot, and when this becomes inflamed it is known as plantar fasciitis.       

    Risk Factors

    A heel spur takes time to develop, so you won’t be dealing with one after a single workout, nor will one form instantaneously overnight. More than half the people who deal with heel spurs also have plantar fasciitis, so knowing you have this condition can help you prepare for the potential formation of heel spurs. Monotonous stress on your feet and heels is another chief culprit. Other risk factors that should be monitored by you and your Heel Spur treatment in Seaford include the following:

    • Arthritis.
    • Bruising of the heel.
    • Being overweight.
    • Wearing shoes that don’t properly fit or offer enough support.
    • Wearing flip-flops too often.


    Wearing proper footwear may be the most critical step you can take when trying to prevent heel spurs. You should always avoid wearing shoes that have large amounts of wear and tear on the heels and soles. Remember to always use well-fitting shoes that offer proper support to your foot. Wearing the same worn-out pair of shoes for every occasion may be the cause of your heel spurs. Stretching and warming up before you exercise is another great way to assist with prevention.  


    At Cherrywood Foot Care, we understand that even after preventive measures are taken, heel spurs may still have an opportunity to manifest. Our Heel Spur treatment in Seaford will work with you to determine what treatment options will yield the best recovery. These treatment options may include:

    • Anti-inflammatory medication: These can be taken to reduce swelling. 
    • Cold compresses: Applying ice directly to the heel after walking or exercising can help reduce your symptoms, such as swelling.
    • Custom made orthotics: Custom made shoe inserts can help take the pressure off the heel and provide pain relief.
    • Rest: Giving your foot ample rest time will allow the swelling to go down and potentially help the pain dissipate.
    • Surgery: More than 90% of people recover from heel spurs without needing surgery. However, if symptoms continue for 9 to 12 months after receiving treatment, surgical options may be necessary.   

    Contact Us For Heel Spur treatment in Seaford: 

    At Cherrywood Foot Care, our team is committed to your treatment and well-being.  Our Heel Spur treatment in Seaford can help take care of your heel spurs and any other foot-related problems. Contact us today and take your first steps to recovery!    


    Did you know you could have a bone spur in your heel without even knowing? Heel spurs are common amongst runners and people who stand up for prolonged periods. How does one know? If you’re seeking Heal Spur Treatment in Seaford, contact us today. Our podiatrist will assess the heel, determine if a bone spur is present, and develop a treatment plan just for you. 

    What is a Heel Spur?

    A bone spur is bone growth that often develops in your joints or anywhere where the bone meets. Most scenarios go undetected without any symptoms for years.

    A heel spur occurs when calcium deposits form on the bottom of the heel bone. It can grow as long as half an inch.  

    Detecting them can be an issue because they are not visible to the naked eye. You may not realize you have a heel spur until detected by an x-ray exam.  In some extreme cases, you may lose motion in your joints. 


    Heel spurs don’t often cause pain. Years can go by without any form of symptoms. However, it can cause chronic pain and swell in the heel if left untreated.  Other symptoms include:

    •      Inflammation.

    •      Dull aching pain when standing up.

    •      Knife or pin stabbing feeling in the heel. 


    Heel spurs occur when calcium deposit builds up under the heel of a period of time. It is common amongst runners.  Other causes or risk factors include: 

    •      Being overweight or obese

    •      Running or jogging on hard surfaces such as concrete

    •      Wearing badly worn-out shoes

    •      Prolonged periods of standing up

    •      Having flat feet

    If pain persists and you’re seeking Heal Spur Treatment in Seaford, then it is time to book an appointment with us today. We utilize the latest cutting-edge podiatric technologies to assess any heel pain. 

    Prevention and Treatment

    If you’re currently experiencing heel pain, here are a few tips you can follow to help alleviate pain:

    •      Applying cold packs to the heel

    •      Change into new shoes

    •      Applying shoe inserts

    •      Taking over the counter pain reliever 

    Heel spur prevention requires careful attention to your overall foot health. Keep in mind what your foot goes through on a day to day basis. Rest your feet if you notice any unusual symptoms and pain. Wear appropriate shoes for each workout routine, warm-up, and stretch, and try to maintain a healthy weight. 

    How Can Heal Spur Treatment in Seaford Help? 

    If you are experiencing foot pain and are seeking Heal Spur Treatment in Seaford, contact us today at Cherrywood Foot Care. With our latest cutting-edge technology, we will evaluate your foot, determine if a heel spur is present, and develop a course of action to assess the issue. Visit us online or call us at 516-826-9000. 

    Cherrywood Foot Care