Relationship Between Diabetes and Foot Problems

Relationship Between Diabetes and Foot Problems


The numbers are staggering. 30.3 million affected- 7 million still undiagnosed. 245 billion dollars- the amount of money estimated in combatting this horrible disease just five years ago. Defined as “a disease in which the body’s ability to produce or respond to the hormone insulin is impaired, resulting in abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates and elevated levels of glucose in the blood and urine”, the impact of diabetes in America is stunning. And yet what people may not know is its relationship in causing issues with your feet. With National Diabetes Month underway, we here at Cherrywood Foot Care, a Podiatrist in Bellmore- have devised a list documenting how diabetes affects the feet, its symptoms, and knowing when to seek help.

So How Does Diabetes Affect Your Feet?

Causing damage to blood vessels and peripheral nerves, type 1 and type 2 diabetes can result in problems with your feet most notably;  peripheral artery disease(PAD), and  peripheral neuropathy.


While symptoms vary-here are some of the most prevalent afflictions.

  • Calluses and corns: These may result from abnormal alignment of the feet or irregular gait
  • Fungal infections of the nails:  Nails will appear thickened, discolored, and sometimes brittle
  • Athlete’s foot: A fungal infection of the skin of the feet
  • Hammertoes: A muscle and ligament imbalance that makes your toes bend and become stuck  
  • Bunions: Bony bumps that form on the joint of the big toe
  • Ingrown toenails
  • Cracking of the skin of the feet, especially the heels


When to Seek Help

As a podiatrist in Bellmore, we always recommend contacting a doctor within 72 hours if symptoms persist or pain is unbearable.   

  • Significant trauma to any part of your leg or foot
  • Ingrown toenails are a leading cause of diabetic foot infections and amputations. Early detection is vital to treatment. Treatment techniques and services might include the following.
  • Persistent pain
  • If you notice your foot changing color (red, blue, or black) and becomes numb or painful, you might have gangrene. Immediately seek medical help as left untreated, it might lead to amputation or even death.

Interested in finding out more information? Our staff at Cherrywood Footcare, a podiatry practice in Bellmore is here to help. Utilizing the latest cutting-edge podiatric technologies, from diagnostic ultrasound  to Noveon laser technology, we’ve helped countless of satisfied patients overcome injury and aid in their recovery.

Make an appointment!

Cherrywood Foot Care