What are Common Foot Problems in Older Adults?

The older we get, our body starts to undergo a lot of wear and tear, especially towards our feet, which take the most because it has to support our entire body’s weight. Cherrywood Foot Care, a podiatrist in Baldwin, is here to help with any of your problems that you may have been experiencing. Schedule an appointment today to see how we can help!

What are Common Foot Problems?

Foot problems come with the aging process because as we get older, we aren’t as strong as we used to be. Therefore, our bodies can keep up to the same abilities as once before. Normal wear and tire to the body can cause problems throughout our lifetime, especially in our feet. Below are the most common foot problems that a podiatrist in Baldwin can help with if you’re experiencing any of these:

  • Ingrown toenails
  • Bunions
  • Corns and Calluses
  • Fungus

How to Prevent These Foot Problems?

  • Ingrown toenails- wearing correctly fitted shoes is the best way; you do not want your shoes to fit, so tie because there needs to be at least some room. Also, trimming your toenails not too short is the best way to prevent this.
  • Bunions- This problem happens over time, so the best way to prevent this is by doing exercises that strengthen your feet. A few best practices would be to pick up small objects like marbles and place them in a container.
  • Corns and Calluses- First, you need to be wearing shoes that have some room in them and that aren’t too tight. Next, if there is a specific area on your foot where the pain is happening the most, placing bandages and cotton pads over those particular areas help stop them from hurting.
  • Fungus- The best ways to prevent this from happening is:
    • To not share shoes.
    • Do not cut your nails too short,
    • Wear dri-fit cotton socks and change them out as needed.
    • Wear shoes that aren’t too tight.

Contact Our Podiatrist in Baldwin

Foot problems are somethings that we have to deal with overtime. There is no definite solution to stopping these problems from happening, but there are ways to prevent them from occurring, as mentioned above. Cherrywood Foot Care, a podiatrist in Baldwin, is here to help with any of your problems that you may have been experiencing. Schedule an appointment today to see how we can help!

Cherrywood Foot Care