Can My Shoes Give Me a Callus?

Have you ever had a painful callus on your foot? Anyone who answers yes, knows how uncomfortable it can be. It can cause pain and discomfort when walking around and putting pressure on your feet, by addressing this issue as soon as you can prevent you from a lot of future calluses. If you think the callus on your foot is turning into an infection and requires foot care on Long Island, contact Cherrywood Foot Care today and schedule your appointment!

What is a Callus?

Calluses’ are an area of thickened skin that can be uncomfortable or painful if they get worse. They are caused by repeated friction or pressure on the skin, for example, wearing tight shoes or rubbing against a rough surface. Having a callus can be part of skin conditions called ichthyosis and keratoderma. In hyperkeratosis, excessive keratin builds up in one area. In that area, a lot of pressure on the skin creates a callus. Calluses can be self-treatable, but if left untreated, they can develop into an infection. If you are looking for foot care on Long Island, Cherrywood Foot Care can help!

Process of a Callus

  1. The thickness of the skin layer is determined by the number and size of the papillae.
  2. Repeated pressure on the area of the skin reduces blood circulation to that area, interfering with the proper fluid flow.
  3. A callus can become deeply embedded in the surrounding tissues where bacteria can enter.
  4. It can turn into an infection if bacteria enter.


Callus’ can be prevented by using gel insoles for shoes to stop the skin from rubbing. It is helpful to use a pumice stone to run off all the dead skin after a shower and apply moisturizing cream to help terminate this condition. Moisturizing creams are a reliable remedy for calluses. Consult your doctor before using any specialized creams. 

If you have Diabetes, you should check your feet daily for any concerns. If you do notice a callus on your foot, call your doctor immediately to get treatment.

Contact Us: Foot Care On Long Island

Calluses are common and can happen to anyone. Addressing this as soon as possible is extremely important and can prevent you from dealing with pain. If you feel you may have a callus and are looking for foot care on Long Island, contact Cherrywood Foot Care today and book your appointment! 

Cherrywood Foot Care