Bunion Prevention Tips

A bunion is a bump that forms at the base of your big toe. Bunions are a very common condition that can cause discomfort and negatively impact your confidence. While not every bunion can be prevented, many can! If you are starting to form bunions, look for a podiatrist in Massapequa at Cherrywood Foot Care

Bunion Prevention Tips

Bunions can be very annoying, but there are things you can do to deal with them so they won’t cause you pain or hinder your mobility: 

  • Wear comfortable shoes – If your shoes cause you any pain around your bunion, you should change them. Bunion pain is caused by an increase in pressure in the area, so if you relieve that pressure you won’t have that pain.
  • Get wider shoes – If the toe box in your shoe is too narrow, it may push your toes together to a point. Your shoes should have a wide enough toe box so that it easily fits your forefoot and allows your toes to rest comfortably.
  • Avoid high heeled shoes – While heels are fashionable, they’re not good for your feet. If you want to wear them, you should do so in moderation. High heels can force your toes together in the front of your shoe, causing unwanted pressure.
  • Use padding – If bunions become painful and start bothering you, you can put a cushion around the bunion. A podiatrist in Massapequa can help you find some braces to help protect your bunion.
  • Rest – Your feet need a break sometimes! If you’re at home or at work you should try to take some time to relax your feet and slip off your shoes, especially if you have to wear tight shoes or high heels. 

Bunions develop very slowly, so it may not be too late to prevent them from worsening! These simple tips can make a big difference. Keep track of your foot shape over time to monitor any bunion progression. You can also do exercises to strengthen your feet. If you are worried about developing bunions or you already have them, contact a podiatrist in Massapequa so you can get back on your feet!

Podiatrist in Massapequa

If you are looking for a podiatrist in Massapequa, contact Cherrywood Foot Care! Our team can help you deal with any foot pain you may be experiencing! We strive to provide you with the highest quality care so you can enjoy a pain free life! 

Cherrywood Foot Care