Best Podiatrist in Merrick

Best Podiatrist In Merrick

Dr. Joseph Burke and his team at Cherrywood Foot Care serving the communities of Bellmore, North Bellmore, Merrick, Wantagh, and East Meadow utilizes the latest cutting-edge podiatric technologies, from digital radiology, and Noveon laser technology for toenail fungus treatment, to shock wave therapy for heel pain and the minimally invasive surgical procedure, endoscopic plantar fasciotomy. Dr. Burke specializes in the biomechanics of the foot, including custom orthotics and surgical correction of foot deformities. When you come to Cherrywood Foot Care you will be treated one of the best podiatrist in Merrick.

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    Foot Cysts

    A foot cyst is considered to be a sac filled with fluid that comes from a tendon or joint capsule that sits on top of your foot. The sac is considered to be a knot-like mass that forms underneath your skin. Foot cysts are one of the most common benign soft-tissue masses. Although they are more common to occur in one’s wrist, they grow and build on the top of someone’s foot as well. Although they do not require treatment, doctors and podiatrists do have the capability to get rid of foot cysts. If you are looking for a Best podiatrist in Merrick to treat your foot cysts, book an appointment with Cherrywood Foot Care

    Causes and Symptoms of Foot Cysts

    Although there is no known cause of foot cysts, many doctors believe that it is associated with trauma. Although there aren’t any known causes, there are a few symptoms that can lead you in the direction of knowing that you have it. Some of the symptoms are:

    • The foot cysts appears as a bump that can change sizes.
    • The foot cysts is typically soft and doesn’t move. 
    • The foot cysts is typically from a range of 1-3 cm in diameter.
    • The swelling can either happen over time or suddenly.
    • The bump may get smaller in size, or even go away, but it can come back.
    • There is pain coming from the bump, in the majority of foot cysts cases.
    • If there is pain present, it is usually chronic and made worse by joint motion.

    These are symptoms of a foot cysts that everyone should be aware of. If you suffer from any of these symptoms, you should contact our Best podiatrist in Merrick.

    Treatment for Foot Cysts 

    As stated previously, a foot cyst does not need to be treated because it should go away on its own. However, it can take much longer for the cysts to go away. Here are a few things that a podiatrist can do to help you get rid of your foot cyst:

    • Immobilization
      • If you put a cast or splint around the cyst, it may reduce the amount of pain.
    • Aspiration
      • A podiatrist may use a needle to empty the fluid from the cysts.
    • Surgery
      • The cysts can be removed by surgery if other treatments do not work.

    If you are looking for ways to get rid of your cyst, our Best podiatrist in Merrick can give you the help you need!

    Contact The Best Podiatrist in Merrick

    Foot cysts can be incredibly difficult to get rid of on your own. The help of a trained professional can ensure that your foot condition is taken care of. If you are looking for someone to get rid of your foot cysts, contact our podiatrists in Nassau County at Cherrywood Foot Care will ensure the best and safest care.

    Ingrown Toenails

    An ingrown toenail occurs when your nail cuts into the skin of your toe and grows. Although it is typically on the big toe, it can occur on any nails of the foot. Ingrown toenails cause increased sensitivity, swelling, redness, pain, and can lead to an infection. There are at-home remedies you can use to treat ingrown toenails that are effective and can be done at the early signs of an issue. However, if your ingrown toenail is severe and there is pus or redness spreading to other toes or areas of your foot, you should seek professional help immediately. If you require the help of a podiatrist or Best podiatrist in Merrick, Cherrywood Foot Care is here to help.

    Ingrown Toenail Procedures

    Your podiatrist will have a few options to approach and cure your ingrown toenail. The procedure your podiatrist will choose will depend on the condition your toenail is in. Listed below are a few options your podiatrist might suggest to treat your ingrown toenail. If you are seeking Best podiatrist in Merrick, contact us. We are here to help.

    • Treating an ingrown toenail to grow over the skin of the toe – This treatment is used for most non-severe ingrown toenail cases. A non-severe case usually has symptoms of redness, swelling, and little to mild pain but does not contain any pus. In this treatment, your podiatrist may peel back any skin overlapping your nail and raise the nail over the skin edge. Then they will place a splint of some sort to promote the nail growing healthily above the skin of your toe. After, you will need to soak your toe and replace the splint every day at home. This procedure is non-invasive, relatively painless, and requires no anesthetics or surgery.
    • Toenail Avulsion. Toenail avulsion is a small surgery in which your podiatrist will cut your ingrown toenail. This treatment is reserved for more severe cases, with moderate to high pain and pus involved. A mild anesthetic may be used in the affected area for this surgery. In this treatment, your doctor will cut and remove the ingrown part of your nail allowing your nail to grow back normally. Your doctor may also remove any damaged or folded skin around the ingrown toenail. In very rare cases where the nail is very distorted or has become very thick, the entire nail must be removed and regrow. This surgery typically involves very little pain and with the local anesthetic, patients usually report no pain. Most patients can return to normal activity the very next day. Oral antibiotics may be prescribed to deal with any infection that might be present or may arise. 
    • Nail bed treatment and removal. This procedure is used for ingrown toenail issues that repeat or have recurred often. This procedure is used to remove the portion of the nail that is ingrown, and then also treat the nail bed or tissue where the ingrown toenail is growing from, to prevent it from growing back. The tissue is treated with a chemical agent, a laser treatment, or some other method. A local anesthetic is used when treating the nail bed, however, the treated area may still feel tender after the treatment so ibuprofen or paracetamol may be prescribed for use after. For up to 2 weeks, you should wear soft, spacious footwear, or open-toed footwear. Oral antibiotics may be prescribed to attend to any infections.

    Best Podiatrist in Merrick

    When treating your ingrown toenail, your podiatrist will use a treatment that works best for your condition and the state it is in. Treatments are generally pain-free and will not hinder your daily life after receiving treatment. If you are looking for Best podiatrist in Merrick, reach out to us today and see how we can help.


    Have you recently noticed a bump forming at the base of the joint of your big toe? Odds are, you’re dealing with a bunion. Though these are non-fatal, they should not be left unchecked. If you suspect a bunion has begun to form, you should contact us at Cherrywood Foot Care right away. Our team will be able to provide you with the best Best podiatrist in Merrick to help eradicate these troublesome, painful growths.


    Considering how vital your feet are to everyday movements, it is important to always keep an eye on them. When you begin to notice that something isn’t right, you should reach out to a doctor right away. Having an idea of what may be wrong before the time of your first appointment can help speed along the recovery process. If the below symptoms are present around your big toe, you may be suffering from a bunion:

    • Limited range of motion.
    • A bump that forces it to shift towards your smaller toes.
    • Swelling or soreness around the base of it’s joint.
    • Corns or calluses.

    Causes & Risk Factors

    Many people develop bunions for reasons unbeknownst to them. Several factors can put you at a higher risk of developing a bunion that you may not be aware of. Being aware of what causes bunions can help you avoid them and even help you determine the cause for a bunion you already have. Below are some of the most common risk factors and potential causes of these growths:

    • Certain foot injuries.
    • Hereditary disposition to bunions.
    • High-heeled shoes.
    • Ill-fitting shoes.
    • Inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.

    Best Podiatrist in Merrick 

    Different forms of treatment will be administered depending on what has caused the bunion to form. Our team will be able to determine the cause of your bunions and develop a plan to correct the issue. Common methods of treatment include:

    • Pain-relievers and anti-inflammatory medication.
    • Administering a mixed application of ice and heat.
    • Custom orthotics.
    • Surgical options for extreme cases. 

    Bunions are often painful in addition to being unpleasant to look at. They can also bring about complications such as infection, hammertoe, and bursitis if left untreated. If you are searching for Best podiatrist in Merrick, our team at Cherrywood Foot Care is here to help! Our staff will always keep your specific needs top of mind, so be sure to trust us with your bunion treatment needs and contact us today!


    If you or someone you know is in need of a best podiatrist in Merrick, our team at Cherrywood Foot Care can help you. Suffering from Neuropathy in the feet can be painful and debilitating. Don’t let this ailment stop you from living your life to the fullest. Our team can help treat you today. Continue reading to learn more about this condition and how our expert podiatrists can assist you. 

    What is Neuropathy?

    Your peripheral nervous system is responsible for sending signals from your brain and spinal cord to the rest of your body through nerves, as well as sending information to the central nervous system. Peripheral neuropathy occurs when these nerves are damaged.

    Neuropathy is often caused by diabetes, but can also be the result of traumatic injury, metabolic problems, toxic exposure, or infection. This condition can cause numbness and weakness in the affected areas, most often the hands and feet.

    How Does Neuropathy Affect Your Feet?

    In addition to weakness and numbness, neuropathy can cause pain in the form of stabbing, burning, or tingling. Numbness or tingling from neuropathy will onset gradually and can spread up into the legs. A lack of coordination from neuropathy can cause falling, and you may feel as though you are wearing socks when you are not. 

    How Orthotics Can Help

    It is important to seek treatment right away if you notice unusual numbness or tingling, as early diagnosis is essential to stop nerve damage. The goals of treatment for neuropathy are to control symptoms, slow the progression of neuropathy, and maintain the health of your feet. Our best podiatrist in Merrick at Cherrywood Foot Care can help you achieve all of these goals.

    Shoe inserts, known as orthotics, can be very helpful in cases where neuropathy has made it painful or difficult to walk. Orthotics can support the feet and offer comfort if your muscles have weakened. A podiatrist, like our best podiatrist in Merrick, can fit you with orthotics to decrease your pain.  

    Custom Orthotics From our Best Podiatrist in Merrick

    At Cherrywood Foot Care, we use experience and expertise to figure out if orthotics are the right solution for you. Based on your symptoms, activities, hobbies, and lifestyle to decide if orthotics will be the right fit. After an individualized assessment, our team of trained professionals can craft a set of custom orthotics specific to your needs.   

    When your feet are happy, we’re happy. We can help to ease your neuropathy pain, and improve your quality of life. The level of personal care that we give each patient cannot be matched by any store, mail order, or internet service. Contact our best podiatrist in Merrick to make your appointment today! 


    At Cherrywood Foot Care, we understand the complications that can arise when bunions become present. Working with our Best Podiatrist in Merrick to manage bunions can help lower the chances of other foot conditions arising. You can trust that our team of professionals can give you the care you need to avoid unnecessary pain!        

    Impact of Bunions

    A bunion is a bone deformity that occurs due to a joint enlargement at the side and base of the big toe. They can lead to redness, swelling, and soreness around the big toe joint, and even limit movement as well. Over time, bunions can cause your big toe to become angled over your smaller toes. While bunions themselves can be painful to deal with, but they can also lead to a variety of other issues that include the below

    • Bursitis: One possible bunion related complication is the development of bursitis.  Bursae are fluid-filled sacs that provide a cushion to the bones near your joints. You have about 160 bursae in your body, and when one becomes inflamed, it is known as bursitis.  One of the bursae in your body is located near the joint on your big toe, and bunions can cause this to become inflamed, leading to pain and discomfort.
    • Hammertoe: This condition occurs when there is an abnormal bend in the middle joint of one of your toes, and leads to the inability of the said toe to stick out straight.  The abnormal bending is caused by an imbalance of the muscles in your toe, which can be a direct result of bunions.
    • Metatarsalgia: Metatarsalgia is a condition that occurs when the small nerves in your toes become inflamed and cause pain.  The inflammation of these nerves occurs when the bones in your feet begin to press against the other. As bunions lead to a misalignment of your big toe, they can be the cause of the nerves getting pinched.         

    Best Podiatrist in Merrick

    Bunions can make the area around your big to become painful and irritated due to activities as simple as walking.  They can also cause a multitude of other issues to appear as well. Luckily, our Best Podiatrist in Merrick can help treat any issues you may face.  Don’t let bunions continue to drag you down, contact us today.     

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Can I treat my in grown toenail at home?

    Depending on how severe your ingrown toenail condition has developed, home remedies may prove to be enough to cure your ailment. Cherrywood Foot Care providesPodiatrist on Long Island that accepts Healthfirst, and we can diagnose and provide you with the correct treatment needed. Below are a few home remedies you can try:

    1. Soak the affected area in warm water with Epsom salts and castile soap several times a day for 15-20 minutes. This will help relieve pain and can reduce the chances of a future infection.
    2. Carefully peel back the skin away from the ingrown nail, and place a small piece of cotton between your nail and skin. Replace the cotton as needed after every soak.
    3. Use an antibiotic cream on the affected toenail and cover it with a bandage.
    4. Wear shoes that have enough space for your toes, and wear sandals rather than shoes to limit any pressure on the affected toe.

    What is Toenail Fungus?

    Toenail fungus is one of the most common conditions we come across. They typically start as a discolored spot on the tip of your nail that continues to grow deeper. As it grows, it may discolor the entire nail, and it can even spread to other nails as well. If you believe you have toenail fungus and would like to get diagnosed, contact us at Cherrywood Foot Care and our podiatrist in Nassau County will help you.

    What is Athlete’s Foot?

    Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection that develops on your feet. Those who have sweaty feet and leave them in tightly fitting shoes are more likely to develop this condition. Fortunately, our team will be able to help should this occur. If you begin dealing with any of the below symptoms, consider scheduling an appointment with our team:

    • Scaly rash.
    • Itching.
    • Burning.
    • Chronic dryness.

    How does Diabetes affect your foot health?

    Diabetes is known to cause vascular and nerve damage, leaving diabetics more susceptible to foot problems. Of the many problems diabetics may face, peripheral neuropathy and peripheral vascular disease are two major conditions that cause diabetics to have problems with their feet. Take note of all the following conditions, causes, and symptoms of diabetic foot problems in order to give yourself the best chance to get the help you need.

    What Is A Sprained Ankle?

    A sprained ankle is a common condition that occurs when the ligaments surrounding the ankle are injured. Ligaments are connective tissues that hold the ankle bones together, support the joint, and hold the position of your ankle in place. When the ligaments are stretched beyond the normal range of motion, this can cause pain and discomfort when pressure or weight is applied to the area. 

    What Are Heel Spurs?

    A heel spur is a calcium deposit that sticks out from the back of your heel that can cause large amounts of pain and irritation. These buildups usually arise over the course of many months and are the product of strains on the muscles and ligaments in the foot.  Plantar fasciitis is also a common factor associated with the formation of heel spurs. The plantar fascia is a fibrous band of connective tissue that connects the heel bone to the ball of your foot, and when this becomes inflamed it is known as plantar fasciitis.

    What is a Bunion?

    A bunion is a bone deformity that occurs due to a joint enlargement at the side and base of the big toe. They can lead to redness, swelling, and soreness around the big toe joint, and even limit movement as well. Over time, bunions can cause your big toe to become angled over your smaller toes.

    Cherrywood Foot Care