Avoiding Plantar Warts on Vacation

Avoiding Plantar Warts on Vacation


Summer is here and that means free time and vacations! Nothing can ruin a vacation more than obtaining an infection that you have to bring home with you.  One of the most painful, overlooked infections are ones that you have to step on everyday, such as plantars warts on the soles of your feet.

Plantar warts are caused by an infection of human papillomavirus (HPV).  HPV grows on the outside layer of skin on the soles of your feet. The infection grows in warm and moist environments.  People can be infected by HPV from walking around public places barefoot, especially pools.

You know you have plantar warts by the appearance. The warts are visible at the bottom of your feet.  The warts vary in size but usually grow larger with time. These warts can be flat, due to walking.  Several warts growing close together can cause a small larger cluster on the bottom of feet. Sometimes blood vessels show through the skin forming a small dot in the middle of these warts.

When going on vacation, there are ways to prevent plantar warts.  You can start with wearing comfortable closed shoes at the airport.  At the airport, you may have to walk far distances to your terminal. Wear socks with closed shoes to prevent the moist environment around your feet. Pack sandals to wear around public pools.  Pack antifungal foot cream if you are traveling to a foreign country, staying in a hotel and a place with public pools.  You should apply the cream in the morning and night to avoid growth of fungus that may be around the area. If you plan on getting a pre-vacation pedicure, bring your own utensils.  Better safe than sorry!

If you already have warts, you can prevent their growth by covering up the wart with a bandage or athletic tape. Biting or picking cuticles can spread the warts from one finger to another.

If you end up getting warts, you may be able to cure them yourself at home. There is over the counter plantar wart cream available at pharmacies that could take a few months to completely heal. A quicker and more effective result would be to see a podiatrist to freeze the wart off.


Cherrywood Foot Care