Cherrywood Foot Care |

Author: Cherrywood Foot Care

There are two types of people in this world. Those that call the doctor for every health issue they experience and those that wait until the last minute to seek medical attention. Deciding whether or not medical attention should be sought can often be difficult as each individual can tolerate...

November is American Diabetes Month. Diabetes is a disease that affects almost 30 million Americans. 1 in 10 Americans have diabetes whether it’s diagnosed or undiagnosed, diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death in the United States. That is only deaths directly associated with diabetes, other diseases such as...

Cherrywood Foot Care has been nominated, once again, for Best of Long Island’s Podiatrist category for 2016. They have been nominated by their patients and community members and have successfully won the last five years! This honor is a great reflection of the strong relationship they share with their patients as well as the incredible quality of life improvements they’ve had by choosing Cherrywood Foot Care.

Anyone on their feet for a prolonged period of time cannot afford to be sidelined, but unfortunately they also run the risk of developing a disorder known as plantar fasciitis. This occurs when the ligament attaching the heel to the toes becomes inflamed and causes pain in both the heel and arch of the foot. The disability is most common in middle-aged adults but can also affect younger people as well as athletes. The inflammation can become very painful and will make everyday activities, such as standing or walking, much more strenuous.

If you have diabetes you are most likely aware of the serious medical problems that you need to watch out for. One such complication is problems with the feet. For this reason, it is important for people with diabetes to receive periodic foot care exams by a podiatrist to make...

Have you been having foot or ankle pain that is probably related to your playing sports? If so you should see a podiatrist who also specializes in sports medicine. When you need to have Bellmore sports medicine foot and ankle treatments, you will want to visit us at Cherrywood Foot...

Here at Cherrywood Foot Care, our orthotics in Bellmore have been immeasurably helpful to so many patients, and we would love to provide you with the same relief. Our orthotics in Bellmore are scientifically designed devices that are customized to meet the individual patients’ needs. Orthotics have been growing rapidly...

Cherrywood Foot Care