6 Tips for Healthy Summer Feet

With summer in full swing, it is important that your feet are just as ready as you are for flip-flop season. With these quick tips, you will be ready to step into summer the right way!

  • Think twice before going barefoot. Although most people look forward to going barefoot, it is a good idea to walk with caution. Going barefoot creates the risk of stepping on something sharp and penetrating your skin. Going barefoot also risks getting infections from the germs on the ground.
  • Fix your sweaty feet. It is inevitable that with hot temperatures comes sweaty feet. It is a good idea to try to alleviate the heat in your shoes by cooling your feet off by wearing socks that are made to discard moisture.
  • Getting a pedicure? Proceed with caution. Pedicures are a summertime ritual for most women. There are several pros to getting regular pedicures. Aside from your feet looking nice, they are great for fixing ingrown toenails and just an overall groom of your feet. But it is important to not just go to any salon. You should research the salon you go to beforehand to make sure they are hygienic. A faulty salon could cause infections to your feet, so it is better to be precautious.
  • Keep an eye out for dry, cracked heels. Wearing open-toed thin shoes could create the risk of getting dry cracked heels. It is important to moisturize your feet this summer to prevent cracked heels from occurring. If this is already a problem, it is important to treat them right away. Cover the spot with a band-aid and proceed with caution.
  • Exercise! Going for a walk or jog is actually helpful for your feet. Exercise conditions your feet all while helping to lower body weight, which means less stress on your body in the long run. Don’t forget to wear athletic sneakers.
  • Stretch often. Be sure to stretch regularly to allow blood flow to the legs and feet.


With these six tips, you’ll have a running start to summer and can get off on the right foot to the open-toed shoe season. If you have any questions or concerns about keeping your feet healthy, contact us at 516-826-9000!

Cherrywood Foot Care