Laser Fungus Toenails

Onychomycosis, also known as toenail fungus, is characterized by a thickened, yellow or cloudy appearance of the nail plate. Sometimes the nail can become rough and crumbly, or even separate from the nail bed. Usually there is no pain or other symptoms involved unless the disease is severe. But it’s not attractive to look at, that’s why Cherrywood Foot Care recommends patients treat it.

Laser treatment kills the pathogens that cause nail fungus without pain!

Cherrywood Foot Care is one of the first practices in the country to use the Cool Touch Laser for treatment of toenail fungus. Using this revolutionary laser treatment, in just 20 to 30 minutes, we can kill the pathogens that cause this condition.

Safe and with little to no discomfort, the toenail laser treatment in clinical studies has been shown to be very effective. This leaves patients with a significant improvement in the health and appearance of their nails.

7 Reasons to Treat Fungus with the Use of Laser Treatment

1. Breakthrough patented laser technology

2. Proven clinical results

3. Kills the pathogens that cause the fungus

4. Minimal to no discomfort – without anesthesia !

5. No harmful UV radiation

6. Quick & safe

7. No drugs or side effects

Laser TreatmentFAQ

1) How does the the laser work?

The laser is a patented device utilizing a very tight spectrum of near-infrared light. The laser passes through the toenail without causing damage to the nail or surrounding skin. The laser applies a cool cryogen spray when the laser reaches the optimum temperature. Other lasers do not have this ability and therefore results are not as consistent.

2) How effective is the treatment?

The laser is very effective according to clinical studies performed. Most patients experience significant improvement and in most cases, the fungal nails are completely cured with a single treatment.

3) Does the laser treatment take long?

The vast majority of our clients require one treatment. It usually takes 20 to 30 minutes.

4) Is the laser treatment painful?

No. Because the laser does not damage the nail or surrounding skin, most people feel nothing. Thus, no anesthetics or injections are ever used. Some people may feel a warming sensation.

5) How safe is the treatment?

No adverse reactions, injuries disabilities or side effects have been reported in clinical studies with this laser treatment. In contrast, topical treatments are minimally effective. The oral medications available today can cause side effects to the liver, kidney and eyes and may even affect your senses of taste and smell.

6) Will I be able to walk after the treatment?

Yes, you will be able to resume all your normal activities immediately after the treatment is done. Even go jogging if you like!

7) How quickly is the improvement noticed?

At the time of the procedure, the toenail will not become instantly clear; it takes time to grow out. New healthy nail will be seen emerging from the cuticle area as your nails grow naturally. Within the first one to three months, healthy new nail growth will be visible.

8) Will the fungus come back?

In a high percentage of cases, the fungus is eradicated following one treatment. Dr. Burke will recommend care techniques to reduce recurrence of the infection. There is a chance of reinfection, because the fungus is present everywhere in the environment. Just like you practice good oral hygiene, so too do your feet require regular maintenance to keep your toenails healthy.

9) How do I pay for the treatment?

The laser procedure is considered aesthetic and therefore not covered by health insurance. We accept major credit cards, checks or cash. One-hundred percent of the cost can be paid out of a medical IRA, health savings accounts or flexible spending accounts, if you have one.

10) When can I paint my nails?

You can apply polish immediately after the treatment, though it is important to remove all polish and nail decorations and any creams from your toes before your treatment.

For More Information

Read our blog on Not So Fun-Gi: Say Goodbye to Toenail Fungus

Cherrywood Foot Care