What is Runner’s Foot?

What is Runner’s Foot?

Do you experience foot pain after you go for a run? If the answer is yes, you’re not alone. Running puts significant stress on the bones of the feet, so it’s not unusual for pain and injuries to occur. At Cherrywood Foot Care, we understand that runners put their feet through a lot. Please continue reading to learn more about runners foot and how our team can help. 

Common Foot Problems for Runners

A runner may experience foot pain or problems for various reasons. The feet bear the most stress as they pound the pavement. Overtraining, ignoring foot pain, and the absence of preventative care can lead to some of the following foot problems:

  • Plantar fasciitis – The plantar fascia is the band of tissue that attaches to the heel and extends along the bottom of the foot. Every step we take pulls on the heel, and overuse or repetitive motion can lead to inflammation. Plantar fasciitis is more common in runners with flat feet but can also occur in people with high arches. 
  • Blisters – While blisters are not a severe injury, they can be extremely painful. Blisters are caused by friction in the shoe. Excess sweat and wetness in the shoe cause the skin to soften, leaving high-pressure areas at risk. Wearing the right running shoes can help you avoid friction and blisters. 
  • Damaged Toenails – If your toe rubs against the front of the shoe, it can cause the nail to be pushed down and become bruised. Damaged toenails can become inflamed and potentially lead to loss of the nail. 
  • Stress Fractures – Stress fractures in the feet occur as a result of overuse without adequate healing time. Stress fractures are tiny cracks in the bones and can potentially develop into complete fractures if the bones break.
  • Metatarsalgia – Metatarsalgia is a painful irritation of the muscles, ligaments, tendons, joints, and tissue surrounding the five metatarsal bones of the foot that connect with the toes. 

Whether you’re dealing with an existing running injury or trying to prevent one in the first place, preventative measures are essential for your foot care. Our team at Cherrywood Foot Care can evaluate your condition and help provide you with the best tips to care for your feet and continue doing what you love. 

Contact Cherrywood Foot Care

At Cherrywood Foot Care, our team specializes in treating all ailments affecting the feet and ankles. If you’re a dedicated runner, pushing through the pain is never a good idea. To learn more about how our podiatrists manage running injuries, contact us today! 

Cherrywood Foot Care