Heel Pain: Causes and Solutions

Heel Pain: Causes and Solutions

Few things can be more infuriating than waking up every morning and experiencing heel pain. Unfortunately, for many Americans, this situation is a reality. At Cherrywood Foot Care, our goal is to help patients stay on their feet without living through pain and discomfort. That is why our services include treatment for the most common causes of heel pain. To learn more about these conditions and how they are treated, please continue reading.

Common Problems

Just like any other part of your body, the heel can be subject to various ailments and injuries. Whether it be the result of an accident, playing a sport, or the development of a condition you had no control over, the pain remains the same. Fortunately, treating foot issues is our team’s job. If you find yourself dealing with any of the below, we can help:

  • Achilles tendonitis
  • Bursitis
  • Bone spurs
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Arthritis
  • Stress fractures
  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome

And More!

Preventing Heel Pain

As previously stated, many different instances can lead to you suffering from heel pain. At times, there is nothing you can do to stop heel pain from occurring. However, in other instances, steps can be taken to help ensure you stay healthy. To avoid heel pain, our team recommends the below:

  • If you’re a runner, replace your shoes after running for between 350 and 500 miles.
  • Always stretch your legs before physical activity.
  • Wear shoes that offer proper ankle and arch support.  
  • Maintain a healthy weight.  
  • Don’t push your body too far past its limits.

How Is Heel Pain Treated?

Depending on the type of issue you are facing and the amount of pain you are in, many forms of treatment may be administered. Our podiatrist will perform a full evaluation before determining which route is the best one for you to take. Examples of these treatment methods include:

  • A combination of rest, ice, compression, and elevation.
  • Over-the-counter pain medications.
  • Splints that help with immobilization.
  • Custom orthotics to reduce stress being placed on the heel.
  • In severe cases, surgery.

Schedule An Appointment

There is no need to spend the entirety of your days dealing with heel pain. At Cherrywood Foot Care, our team is well versed in treating the most common conditions that lead to this. For more information on how we can help, or to schedule an appointment for care, be sure to contact our team today. 

Cherrywood Foot Care