Do You Have Flat Feet?

Do You Have Flat Feet?

Have you lived with arch or heel pain for as long as you can remember? Does this pain tend to worsen with physical activity? If you have answered yes to these questions, you are likely suffering from flat feet. At Cherrywood Foot Care, our team of expert podiatrists is well-versed in this condition and is here to help you learn more about flat feet, offer treatment, and help you manage your symptoms.

Symptoms And Causes

In some cases, people can go their entire life with flat feet without even realizing it. However, others are not so lucky. When your feet do not have arches, weight distribution can be thrown off, leading to pain. People are often born with flat feet, but begin to develop arches over time. Unfortunately, some factors can lead to the arches never forming or flattening over time. These factors include:

  • Obesity.
  • Certain foot injuries.
  • Diabetes.
  • Arthritis.

At-Home Flat Foot Test

If you’re unsure if you have flat feet, but believe this might be the case, there is a way for you to check from home. The water test is easy to do and can help determine if flat feet are the culprit for your pain and discomfort. To perform this test:

  • Start by getting your bare feet wet.
  • Stand on any flat surface where your wet footprint can be seen.  
  • Step back to examine the prints.
  • If the footprint runs from your heel to your toes straight through, you likely have flat feet.  

When To See A Doctor

As previously stated, many people can live their lives with flat feet and not experience a problem. Those who fall into this category don’t need to worry or schedule an appointment for care. However, if you begin to experience pain and discomfort that interferes with your everyday life, we recommend coming in to get your feet checked out.

How Our Team Can Help  

There are a variety of ways that our team can help patients that are living with flat feet. After performing a full assessment of your condition, our podiatrist will determine how to handle your symptoms best. Below are examples of the methods that can be used for treatment:

  • Custom orthotics.
  • Custom supportive shoes.
  • Stretching exercises.
  • In extreme cases, surgery.

Schedule An Appointment

If you’re concerned about your flat feet, there is no need to wait for care. Here at Cherrywood Foot Care, your foot health is our top priority. Don’t hesitate to contact us to schedule your appointment today!

Cherrywood Foot Care