Symptoms Of Posterior Heel Pain

Symptoms Of Posterior Heel Pain

Have you been experiencing pain in the back of your heel?  Posterior heel pain could be the cause. Cherrywood Foot Care offers a variety of treatments to improve any pain you are experiencing.There are many different causes of posterior foot pain and it is important to determine what is causing the pain before providing a treatment plan. 

Common Causes of Posterior Heel Pain:

  • Calcaneal Spur– A bony growth  that is caused by calcium build up on the back of the heel when the heel is being strained over a period of time.
  • Achilles tendonitis– This injury typically affects runners when the achilles tendon is injured due to overuse. 
  • Retrocalcaneal Bursitis– If the bursae behind the heel bone are aggravated it can cause pain in the posterior heel and bursitis. 
  • Plantar Fasciitis– This happens when the plantar fascia ligament has too much pressure applied to it which causes pain. 
  • Sprains– An injury that occurs when ligaments are stretched or torn. 
  • Fracture– Occurs when there is a broken bone, resulting in much pain. 

Those who suffer from Posterior Heel Pain will most likely experience signs and symptoms.If you begin to experience any, it is not an emergency,but it is suggested to call your doctor and make an appointment. The following are the most common symptoms: 

  • Swelling of the heel or foot
  • Increased pain with movement or standing
  • Pain or tenderness to the touch  

When it comes to treating a patient with Posterior Heel Pain, there are a few options one can consider. Depending on the severity of the condition, treatment can range from rest to surgery. If rest or surgery are not the answer for you, try: 

  • Crutches
  • Pain relief medications- Ibuprofen or Tylenol
  • Wearing comfortable, form fitting shoes 
  • Use shoe inserts

For more information on Posterior Heel Pain and how to treat it click here. Feel free to contact our office or check out our website with any questions you may have. Our office has the best staff who are alway eager to help. Their knowledge and experience will have you feeling better in no time. Call to make an appointment with us today! 

Cherrywood Foot Care