What Is The Difference Between A Corn And A Callus?

What Is The Difference Between A Corn And A Callus?

Corn vs. Callus

Calluses and corns are hardened, thickened areas of skin that develop from repetitive friction or stress in a specific area. A corn is a type of callus, but the primary difference between the two is their location and whether they cause pain. Some common causes include wearing ill-fitting shoes or not wearing socks. When socks and shoes rub on your feet over extended periods, your feet are subjected to abnormal pressure. This causes the outer layer of your skin to thicken to protect the skin underneath. Here are some signs that you have a callus or corn:

  • Callus – A callus may appear lighter in color and thicker than the surrounding skin. A callus will feel hard and appear waxy, flaky, or dry. These usually develop on the weight-bearing areas of your feet. Calluses don’t typically cause any pain or discomfort. Calluses often appear on the soles of your feet near the ball or near the heel. Since calluses form with pressure and friction, they can appear on other areas like your palms and fingers. 
  • Corn – Corns tend to appear on areas of the feet that are non-weight-bearing. Corns are more likely to develop between the toes or on top. Corns are smaller than calluses and can be soft or hard. They can cause pain when pressed and have a distinct center surrounded by red, inflamed skin. 

Painless calluses or corns may be unsightly, but they don’t pose any health risks. However, if you are dealing with a painful or large callus or corn, our Cherrywood Foot Care team recommends removing the ailment. Our expert podiatrists can painlessly and safely remove these growths and guide you on keeping the area free from excess friction. 

Contact Us

You should never ignore any pain or discomfort in your feet. If you are dealing with a problematic callus or corn, our team at Cherrywood Foot Care is here to help! Be sure to contact Cherrywood Foot Care today to learn more and request an appointment.

Cherrywood Foot Care